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The Life of One Cosmic Civilization
The Road to the Meditation Center on Woolman Hill
A Meeting with Avu, the Inhabitant of the Planet Logo
Life on Planet Logo
History of the Planet Logo
The Experience of the Music Sphere
Return to Planet Earth
The Second Visit to the Planet Logo
Traveling Around Logo
Healing on Logo
A Visit to the Temple of Spiritual Wisdom and the Park
Life on the Astral Planet Aro
A View from Logo of the Life on Planet Earth
Departure from Woolman Hill
About the Author
Planet Logo can be seen as a dream, as a vision, or just science fiction. It is up to the reader to decide in which category he or she will put the ideas of Planet Logo. We have to admit, that in fifteen or sixteen century it would have been very difficult to imagine something like a car, modern medicine, airplane, skyscrapers, or even flying to the Moon. The French visionary writer Julius Verne (1828-1905) wrote science fiction books like the “Trip to the Moon” in 1862, or “Around the World in Eighty Days”. Those marvelous books that described what seemed to be only imaginary have become reality today. I believe that Planet Logo offers the same compelling adventure for travelers of all ages. We can argue that Earth is the only planet, where life exists. For some it is difficult to imagine that the endless space of the Universe would not include any other life forms at all. Probably it is not up to us to judge. One or two hundred years from now, our way of thinking might look to future generations as those in fifteen or sixteen century do for us now.
Perhaps by reading Planet Logo we can open our minds to limitless dreaming. It is up to the readers to choose and to decide what they would like to enjoy or add to their vision of a future world. We can see it as a dream, science fiction, or vision of the future. There is nothing impossible in the endless space of the Universe. Let our minds and spirits fly on the waves of eternity.
Vladimir Strejcek
Chapter One
The Road to the Meditation Center on Woolman Hill
It was a beautiful June dawn as John Towle drove his car down a road he had long dreamt of, and towards a place he had long prepared to visit. The wheels of his Chevrolet sped down Maine’s Highway 95, which went from Augusta, the capital city of Maine, through Portland and continued south. The final destiny of John’s journey was Deerfield, Massachusetts, where the Quaker Meditation Center was located. It was open not only to everyone interested in spiritual matters, but also to those who might need to spend a few days in solitude, walking over the wooded hills which silently surrounded the center.
As John’s car sped south at a steady pace, he was able to peacefully look back at the events, which had prompted his visit to Woolman Hill. John Towle, who had been a bank officer in Augusta for some years, had occupied himself with the teachings of various religions and had learned various techniques and studied their influence on a person’s thoughts and soul. He was a dedicated practitioner of Indian Hatha yoga and the Chinese art of Tai-Chi, which he practiced regularly under the guidance of a Chinese instructor.
Although he was a member of the Universalist Church where his parents had taken him to Sunday school, he visited congregations of different denominations: Catholic, Methodist, Baptist or Quaker; that is, any church found in and around Augusta. He had friends in all these communities. And because John was musically talented and sang in several choirs, he frequently listened to the preaching in different churches and so had the chance to acquaint himself with their teachings. In his own thinking he was a true Universalist because the Sunday lessons of the Universalist congregation centered around a basic philosophy of openness, as well as of religious tolerance, which played an important role in his life.
John was very familiar with Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Jewish Kabbalah, all of which had awakened in him a deep interest in spiritual teachings.
On one occasion, he had a chance to listen to a very interesting lecture by Mrs. Mae Flagg. She was a lady of rich experience, who since her childhood, had been taught to recognize spiritual laws. Later, John had an opportunity to get to know Mae better and to explore this gift in long talks with her in her home off Highway 135, on the site of an old Indian trail.
These talks, often conducted late into the night, were the source of important information for John concerning the spiritual world, a world which he had previously known only from books, but which he could now verify as actually existing. Mae’s own spiritual experiences were not based on the reading of books, but on her own life experiences in the world, existing beyond the realm of ordinary human thought. She was able to describe these experiences in rich colors. As a result, she was able to answer every question, which John asked her about this invisible world.
John, with the scrupulousness of a bank officer, attended prayer meetings at the Catholic Church of St. Augustine. Built on a hill, its classical design dominated the oldest section of Augusta. Through their prayers, those who met together wanted to help the ill or the suffering or those with special prayer requests. Members of the prayer group saw also the needs of others, supporting them in times of personal suffering and helping those afflicted by temporary financial crisis, or hurting from unemployment. And so, during these prayer meetings, they sent their prayers for support of the spirits of those who needed help in their domestic situations.
For John, these spiritual works and religious activities balanced the intellectual component, which was an inseparable part of his occupation as a bank officer. The roots of his intellectual abilities and education were expressed in religious philosophy and harmony in spiritual exercise, which he needed to fulfill his life. A quite newly discovered book called ”Autobiography of a Yogi” by the Indian master Paramahansa Yogananda had played an important part in his development.
In the course of reading this book, John became a subscriber to lectures from the Yogananda Center of Self Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles. These lessons had taught him the most important element of spiritual life, the art of meditation. After several weeks of practice, meditation became a vital part of John’s daily life, each day beginning and ending with quiet meditation. Meditation, or returning the soul into the silence of the Godhead, became John’s source of spiritual inspiration and light, which was not limited to words from a book or the teaching of a religion. Meditation for John meant reaching the source of universal spiritual knowledge and understanding. It filled his heart of hearts and left him awash in the silent presence of God, who during these moments appeared quite clearly in his soul. These meditative experiences helped him to surpass the dogmas of any one denomination and to fully comprehend the oneness lying behind its universal spiritual essence.
John had been on the road a few hours when he decided to make a stop at a large highway rest stop with a cafeteria just at the exit for Kennebunkport. From here it was just over an hour to Boston. As he sat down to a vegetarian lunch and a Coke, he looked around at the kinds of people sitting or walking by, and he was struck by the essential heterogeneity of the United States, a country in which nearly every nationality of the world was represented. Despite such a varied composite of nationalities, races, and mother tongues, people had been united with one official language and the concept of freedom, which was guaranteed by this vast country, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from sea to shining sea.
John, like most other Americans, felt comfortable in this human melting pot because it offered enrichment by the most various of sources and ways of thinking. Possibly, one of the most pleasant as well as practical aspects was the wide choice from the creative talents of different cultures, manifesting in art, clothing, and the rich selection of cuisine. The diversity of food was great, from tastes of the Orient to European specialties to hot Mexican dishes. The diversity of the people, and at the same time, the unity of this big country was based on the conviction that people from all over the world should be able to live in greater understanding than can be found in the pages of The New York Times, where it was clear that the world had a long way to go towards unity.
After John had filled his gas tank to the last drop, he got back onto the highway and headed towards Boston, from which Deerfield was only another couple of hours. His newly energized car sailed south, drawing near to the capital of Massachusetts. Enjoying the highway scenery and the coasting motion of the car, John returned to his thoughts and to the reason for his trip in the first place.
It had been only a few weeks earlier that he had noticed an announcement in the Kennebeck Journal. It read that a Quaker church in Winthrop was to confer a blessing on animals and plants. The announcement had caught his eye. The blessing of animals was something more likely to be seen in the big city. The last time that John had been in Montreal, an entire park had been filled with man’s four-legged friends, cats and dogs, parrots, raccoons, and even a little monkey. Because John shared his one-room Augusta apartment with his dog Ginger, it occurred to him that having his four-legged friend blessed would be a new and interesting experience for both man and beast. That’s how, one Sunday morning, John had let Ginger jump into his usual place in the car, which was on a blanket in the back, and the two of them had taken a ride from Augusta to Winthrop.
John had often traveled to Winthrop on business, to visit a branch of the Fleet Bank, or to see his friends at the Rotary Club, of which he was a member in Augusta. When he passed the mineral shop where he often went for gifts for his friends, he started to put on the brake and turn off to the left onto Highway 135 heading south.
After several minutes he saw a white church off to the right, built in the traditional New England style, with two tall trees on the front lawn, under which several cars were parked. John Towle turned onto the road leading to the church, pulled over to the side, stopped, and turned off the car’s engine. From the back seat, Ginger stood and looked out of the window, not understanding why there were so many of his canine colleagues gathered here. John opened the door and Ginger jumped out to make the acquaintance of his new friends.
John went over to a group of people standing there, some holding their wards on leashes, others leaving their dogs free to romp about. Next to the entrance of the church, two women had a table with a display for the ”Help the Animals” association, and were giving out informative literature in an attempt to recruit new supporters for their deserving cause, which took care of the many abandoned or starving animals in the area. Next to the table sat a large St. Bernard, Bitsy, whose size must have commanded at least the entire back seat of a car, and who, in light of his dense fur, probably loved the Maine winters. One of the women had her cat, Pussy, who wore a leash, and who preferred to survey from a distance the unprecedented number of dogs there. She clearly didn’t know what to make of the company. angels-heaven.org
Pussy was not the only cat to show up for the occasion. The wife of the Quaker church’s pastor sat on the stairs with a little travel box at her feet. The box’s door was open and the black head of Mitsy the cat stuck out. On her knees sat a little fox terrier, Shishi, for whom the gathering was nothing new and who knew from experience what was to come next. There was a collection of plants and flowers on the steps; which had also been brought to receive the blessing.
The lawn in front of the church was filled with cars, as well as animals. Pastor Vladimir welcomed each one and, after some time, inviting everyone to quiet down, he opened the “Blessing of the Plants and Animals” ceremony, as this assembly was called. After the introduction, all present joined in silent meditation, as the blessing was not only for the animals and plants present, but also for all of nature and space. Pastor read the words, which the others repeated. The vibrations of the words filled the air in front of the church and flew out in all directions, dispersing the unity and harmony between people and nature. The mouth of each participant repeated the words of pastor’s meditation:
We, as humans, and part of this creation
Promise the following to the animals and plants
Which are here with us today,
And everywhere in the world:
That we will not harm you
That we will deal with you with respect
That we will surround you with our love and friendship
Because you yearn for it the same way as we humans do.
We promise:
That we will not go to bed
Leaving you hungry or thirsty,
Without giving you the comfort
Of a proper and warm shelter.
We further promise:
That we will not let our anger or ignorance
Become your pain and suffering
But we will try to protect your friendship and dignity
In our home and everywhere we can.
Our dear friends, animals and plants,
We thank you for the blessing
That you share your life with us,
That you share our joy and sorrows
In the rooms of our houses,
or in the woods, fields and gardens.
We thank you,
For having patience with us
When we are not able
To understand your gentle language of love and friendship.
We are asking now,
To be blessed
With the gift of love and respect
Toward plants, animals and humans,
In the name of Nature
And the whole Creation.
After this prayer, everyone, including the animals, felt a deep reverence, as well as joy from the words, which had been sent forth into space. Afterwards, some of them stayed in order to share the adventures, which they had with their pets. Others began to break up slowly, already starting the engines of their cars, their four-legged companions sitting proudly in the windows. The ladies from the ”Help the Animals” association took their stand down, and put it into a big car, while a second car’s door was already open for Bitsy the St. Bernard, who, after a couple of attempts, managed to jump into the back seat. The pastor’s dog, Shishi, bid the people who had come farewell, while Mitsy the cat, who had slowly emerged from her box, was having a curious look around.
John had been engaged in conversation with Pastor Vladimir who offered him a newsletter of the Quaker Church, in which was an article about a retreat in Deerfield. Suddenly John was engrossed with the possibility of staying for a few days in the Quaker Meditation Center on Woolman Hill. The wooded surroundings guaranteed a truly peaceful sojourn for those who wanted to practice meditation, contemplation, or just needed a few days rest. John, who had not had a proper vacation for several years, felt a calling of higher suggestion in the opportunity, and decided to take advantage of the offer.
And that was the reason he was now in his car driving to Deerfield, Massachusetts. John looked forward to a few weeks of quiet sojourn in the out-of-doors, which would help him forget about the bank routines, number counting, and ringing telephones.
Boston was already spread out before him, boasting skyscrapers, the colorful Quincy Market quarter, and the traditional Colonial building styles of Beacon Hill with its stately brick houses and narrow little streets. The streets of Beacon Hill made a steep ascent only to quickly descend near the highway. For John, Beacon Hill meant also the center of a Universalist religious society, which had its headquarters just next to Boston’s State house, which dominated with its beautiful golden cupola.
Another thing, which attracted John to this historic city was King’s Chapel which was significant in the history of Unitarianism. In November of 1787, James Freeman, who converted to Unitarianism, was named Pastor of King’s Chapel, forever changing the face of Boston’s fundamental Episcopalian character. A beautiful artistic interior with its white pews upholstered in red velvet and its individual family boxes and classical pulpit, the chapel was something which always excited John without his knowing quite why, and so he never left without having an inner spiritual experience. It was, as though he had gone back in history and was one of the creative people who had a hand in the changes of that period.
This time, however, John had not planned to stop in Boston. Instead, he stayed on the highway and by-passed the city, heading towards Deerfield which he hoped to reach around midday. He wanted to be there as early as possible in order to take full advantage of his time off.
After driving for two hours, John took a sharp right off the city highway following the signs leading the way to ”Woolman Hill.” He drove over the commuter rail tracks and continued for a mile along a gravel road to the top of the hill, where there were parking spaces between two houses. One house belonged to the couple who managed the place and took care of the guests; the second housed dormitory rooms, as well as the lecture and meeting room with its large central fireplace, where often, especially in the winter months, a fire crackled, its flames licking the logs cut from the woods on Woolman Hill.
When John got out of his car, he was welcomed by Jean and Maureen, the managers, who showed him his quarters in the small wooden cabin, which he had quite to himself. They gave him some blankets, as the temperature tended to drop sharply at night. Jean and Maureen showed John around the main areas of the Meditation Center, and then John met a flock of sheep outside the buildings, peacefully at pasture here, and an inseparable part of the whole center. They helped to create an atmosphere of peace and quiet in comparison to the busy city, which lay somewhere below this hill. When John went back to his cabin, he felt like a hermit, which was strangely exactly what he had longed for - to be able to spend time in contemplation and spiritual exercise, which he intended to practice here in its greater peace.
When he had unpacked and arranged his things a bit, he decided to take a little stroll in the woods. After crossing the driveway, he took the path through the woods, which led him higher and higher up the hill. After almost half an hour, he came to a place which was perhaps the hill’s highest point, and from which he could see the surrounding area through the tree branches to the next wooded hill, which was almost like a small mountain range.
John sat down on a moss-covered boulder and quietly looked at the hill opposite. He suddenly felt like Moses who had viewed the Promised Land from atop a rock. The longer he sat there, the more he was empowered with an unbelievable peace and a strange feeling of the unmistakable presence of destiny, when he began to understand that it was not a coincidence that he should be in this place, but that his presence there had long been planned by something higher, an element out of his control, and it was due to this that he just sat, quietly listening and fulfilling what was meant to be.
When the stars were already in the sky he returned to his cabin and was glad to have found his way back. He had been tired after a long day and when he lay down on the hard bed, he slept immediately becoming a part of the starry night, which had spread itself above Woolman Hill.
Chapter Two
A Meeting with Avu, Citizen of the Planet Logo
A few days after John’s arrival at Woolman Hill, he found his time filled not only with walks, meditations, morning Tai-Chi exercises, but also tending the flock of sheep, and occasionally helping Jean and Maureen to carry wood to his or other cabins. It was the time of the year when everything was being prepared for autumn, which comes early in this part of the country.
John spent a lot of time reading spiritual books, especially contemplating one particular book entitled Bible of the World, which contained excerpts from the sacred works of every significant world religion. For John, it was a very inspirational reading because he realized how many religious paths lead to the same goal, which Christians call God, who is also given the name Jahve, Tao, Brahma, and Allah, although the attributes and characteristics ascribed by people to each of these names can be different. And because John saw God as something universal, something eternal presiding over all human qualities and attributes, he compared Him to Light, which illuminates all Space.
One evening, he felt the need to write down his feelings in the form of a prayer or meditation, and so he took paper, and, with his pencil, began to write the words: “We came out of Space, in the orbits of the stars, from the cosmic dust of eternity. We were born on this planet Earth, which circles in our solar system in which the light of the Sun gives the warmth of life to all. Life in such a wide variety of shapes and sizes pulses around us and we are a part of it.
“The energy of life, courses through stone, wood, clay, or creatures, in every created thing. It is born again and again and will never be extinguished. Deep in our souls we understand the purpose of human life; deep in our souls we feel the light of God’s reflection.
“In the silence of deep meditation, we strive to understand the universal spiritual truths, which are contained in the words of every religion and of all spiritual masters who taught on Planet Earth. We strive to understand all of the Universe as a work of the eternal energy of God, where everlasting Architect filled it with the laws which bring order and harmony to the forms of matter, and wisdom and love to the depths of the heart and the soul. With humility, modesty and astonishment, but also with spiritual determination, we want to be a part of eternity so that we can be spiritual children of the order and harmony of the Universe. We understand that we are part of the eternal life of the Cosmos, which came out of the silence of creation, of the great Architect of the Universe.
“We are part of the eternal life which has a thousand forms which come out of it, and again return to the state of oneness at the point of the primordial beginning of Creation.” John put down his pencil and from the window he fastened his eyes on the starry heavens, which had probably inspired him with the words he had written. In his thoughts he tried to imagine the never-ending depths of Space in which probably also existed beings like humans who also gazed upwards at the heavens and asked themselves if somewhere among the billions of twinkling stars there isn’t someone who is thinking the same question. After meditating on the possibility of life on other planets in the Cosmos, John felt fatigue overtake him and he prepared his bed and lay down on it. Through his mind continued to run the first sentence of his prayer, which slowly lowered him into a well-deserved sleep, “We came out of Space, in the orbits of the stars, from the cosmic dust of eternity ”
The following day, John decided that immediately after breakfast he would go for a walk in the country. In order to make a day of it, he prepared some fruit and vegetables, added a couple of pieces of bread, and set out on his way. Nature for John had a special attraction. He could still see in it the primordial traces of Creation, and he also liked to observe and discover the harmony, the rules and laws of nature. Nothing in nature was unbalanced, nothing one-sided. Everything had a harmonious pace, naturally meshing into all, and so creating a certain whole, which complemented the individual parts but also gave freedom to each part to exist separately. Man himself could have come up with neither the idea of so many principles nor the detailed laws, which exist in nature.
John admired the softness of moss and, in contrast, the hardness of stones, which lay not far off. He admired the unbelievable mechanism of life, which existed the same in the sheep, which grazed along Woolman Hill, as in ants or flies with heart, blood, and other organs, reduced in size to miniature dimensions, but in spite of that, fulfilling their function. Some of these aspects, man could not see with his limited vision until the arrival of strong microscopes which revealed their existence. Nature actually existed only for itself without any help whatsoever from man who was not its king nor in any way superior but only one of its parts, which developed in its way, and it began to live socially and to think independently.
John also believed that communication between nature and man was certainly possible if man were not so loaded down with intellectual thoughts and instead tried to intuitively understand the vibrations and forces, which are emitted around nature and her inhabitants. As an example of this idea, John looked to the nature society in Findhorn, Scotland, which was aware of a higher consciousness in nature and worked with nature as with an equal partner.
John also saw the similarity to the Taoists teachings regarding the laws and rules of nature, because Tai-Chi, which he practiced every morning, was a virtual copy of the pulling and relaxing of animals which instinctively did these things naturally and gracefully to acquire energy. On the other hand, man had come to think that speed and tension were valuable measures of success and performance. Nature, however, worked on the basis of relaxation and the harmony of smoothness and elasticity of movement in order to achieve the highest flexibility of the muscles of the body and to conserve energy.
The path brought him to the same place he had found on his very first day there, a place, which reminded him of the hilltops in Israel. He settled down to meditate and, after a while, he felt as if he had floated away from there and was flying high over the valley. He floated upwards over the spruce treetops, looking down over the region around him. Then he went even higher and flew further towards the wooded hills, which were lit up by the noon sun. During this journey he realised the eternal strength of the human soul and the unused potential of the human spirit, a new thought for him.
Slowly, he opened his eyes and, after some time of which he was not aware, he became conscious of a dilemma in his mind. Was it an actual experience or not? His reason clearly told him that such a thing is not at all possible. On the other hand, something deep inside his soul told him that the experience was genuine and something, which could be experienced by almost everyone.
Glancing up at the sky, John saw that it was probably time to start heading back, as black clouds were rapidly coming in his direction, and a large part of the sky was already overcast. He quickly ate his vegetarian lunch and then set out for home. He soon came upon the main road and then hurried along the small footpath to his home.
Hardly had he stepped inside his cabin and changed his clothes when the clouds burst open, and what seemed like tons of water began pouring down over the landscape. It was late in the afternoon, and it was clear to John that with such weather his usual evening walk would not be possible. So he took his favourite book, Bible of the World, and began to read. After a while, he set the book aside and made himself comfortable in the wooden armchair, closed his eyes, and plunged himself into a state of quiet meditation.
His soul began to be slowly freed from the captivity of thought, while his spirit became lighter and more at peace. He felt his soul gradually free herself from the physical weight of the body and rise higher into a sphere where time had no value, and where matter in its hard form had no substance. Light, and a feeling of amazement, filled his soul, which let herself be carried away by a force greater than herself.
Then suddenly, as if a magical energy had been released, in front of John’s soul stood another being, a creature who did not appear to have, any certain solid form, and looked as if it was composed entirely of energy. It hovered near him and observed him with interest. John was not shocked, nor even surprised. Rather, he wondered where this being had come from and where he, John, now actually stood. Although John could not express one word of these questions, suddenly his mind or rather his soul received the answers.
“My name is Avu and I come from the planet Logo,” answered the shining creature. “We are in the sphere of spiritual vibrations where souls can reach out to others who are on a similar level of development. I detected your vibration and so I wanted to meet you.” During this first communication, John was a little confused and asked the shining creature for a further explanation.
“I know that you are in these spheres for the first time,” answered Avu, “but you have no reason to be afraid because here only astral forms of a positive vibration meet.” John glanced around him. Everything was lit up with astral light. “This is the sphere of light where souls meet, however it is not used for residing in,” explained Avu, “in Space exist other spaces.”
“Why am I here?” asked John telepathically,” Am I dead or how, in fact, did I get here?”
Avu’s light seemed to quiver with laughter, and then he answered, “You got here as a result of your deep meditation when your soul was freed from your body and was able to enter into the spiritual realms. There is nothing to be afraid of. However, it would be a shame to waste our time talking and not show you the universe.”
John asked Avu where he had come from, and whether it was an astral sphere or a planet like Earth. Avu told him that he came from the planet Logo, where he is one of the spiritual masters and where life is on a higher evolutionary level. To John, this answer sounded unbelievable and he asked if Avu could show him this planet Logo and take him there. Avu, whose form in the meantime had intensified in brightness, as John’s spiritual awareness had grown accustomed to the astral world, looked for a long time at John as if measuring his abilities and strength to make such a long trip. Then he agreed.
“Your soul will now fly a great distance through space while only several Earth minutes will pass and so there will be enough time to visit Logo and return. I know that this will not be your last visit to Logo,” explained Avu.
While Avu explained, John felt his astral form unite with Avu’s and suddenly they both began to rise incredibly fast. It was like a space flight from a science fiction movie as they hurled past an uncountable number of stars, constellations, and galaxies. Although there was only the deep silence of space, there still existed a vibration throughout the cosmos, which sounded like the sound of the words ”Amen” or ”Om.”
They passed some planets with dense cloudy atmospheres from a distance, while it was possible to look at others more closely, all the way down to the surface, or down to the depths of clean and clear oceans. During the flight they met other souls also flying through space as they were. Suddenly Avu showed John a group of five planets, which began to shine weakly. Quickly they approached the biggest planet, which looked burnt out, but on its surface shined a weak light from the sun of the small solar system. When they passed this planet, they saw before them a planet with a light blue and pink atmosphere and which gave off vibrations of peace and harmony.
They stopped in space before it and Avu sent John the thought: “This is the planet Logo where I come from. Now we will slowly enter into its atmosphere so that you will be able to adjust to its energy better. First, we will go to the Temple of Cosmic Wisdom, which is surrounded by a park and there you will have time to absorb the new energy of this place. The citizens of Logo are quite used to seeing astral energy and substance, and they will know that you are not from our world. You will absorb knowledge from this spiritual visit and later you can think about it when you return to Planet Earth.”
And so, the two spirits slowly entered the blue-pink atmosphere of the planet Logo and later they stood before the Temple of Cosmic Wisdom which was surrounded by different kinds of trees and flowers, all of bright radiant colours and giving off positive vibrations of light energy and delicate scents.
Chapter Three
Life on the Planet Logo
John glanced around him. The Temple of Cosmic Wisdom rose before them. It looked as if it were built of white stone, and around it extended the large park filled with wonderfully colored minerals and the vibrant scent of trees and bushes. John’s life force felt strengthened by their presence.
Avu looked at John and suggested that they should rest for a while until John’s soul had adjusted better to the conditions of Planet Logo. “In our spirit forms we will be easily able to fly anywhere with the power of our will and thoughts, and so overcome the great distances involved.” said Avu. “Now we will go a little way through the park so you can meet some citizens of our planet.”
During their walk, they met many visitors to the park. John paid particular attention to their physical appearance. It did not differ too much from that of Earthlings. The people of Logo were about two feet or half a meter taller with the same basic physique and characteristic facial expressions as the people of Earth. Their eyes were a little smaller, but they shone brightly. Their brain cases were bigger, and some people were bald. Their bodies, though taller and thinner, looked lighter and perhaps because of this, their walk was very light and much of the time they seemed to be floating around. Avu added to this view, with a comment on their spiritual development by pointing out that many of them could overcome gravity and had the ability to fly above the ground.
“So that you would know,” continued Avu in his explanation, “Logo’s climate is quite mild. Sunlight falls evenly on the whole surface of our world, and there is no great difference between cold and warm throughout the entire year, it is always mild. Also, the air of Logo is moderately charged with energy, which the inhabitants breathe and absorb.
Our planet lies in the Lobo galaxy. Our solar system consists of a grouping of five planets. In our system also lies the planet Aro, on which live beings who are at an even higher level of evolution than the Logo civilization. The beings of Aro live almost entirely on the astral level, and their consciousness is at one with the Divine. They live according to the spiritual laws of space and are in complete harmony with them. Possibly you will have the opportunity later to become better acquainted with their way of life,” Avu said, concluding his explanation.
Avu told John to concentrate his thoughts and try to levitate. John was able to do so, and after a while they were flying over the surface of the Planet Logo. The colours of Logo’s nature were very bright with the colours of the rainbow predominating. The land was covered with trees and bushes. Especially beautiful were the valleys and their rainbow-coloured flowers. The flowers did not only provide visual beauty, but also gave off an energy-contributing scent into nature’s atmosphere. While flying, John noticed that the region under them was evenly marked with small buildings lying among lakes, rivers and orchards.
After they had flown for some time, they descended into a garden surrounding a white house. ”Now I will introduce you to one of the spiritual masters of Logo,” said Avu, and together they went towards the house, which had white walls and at each side of the entrance stood two columns. On the rounded steps stood he who was waiting for them. His appearance was the same as the others John had previously seen on Logo, though the face of this master was slightly smoother and there was something bigger about his eyes, something more profound. He held them in a direct stare as they approached. When they had come to stand before him, he welcomed them with a small bow, which Avu returned in kind and then said, ”Omu, as you see, I have come with the spirit of one who lives on Earth, a planet lying in the Galaxy. I met him on the astral plane and I offered him the opportunity of coming with me here to our planet. However, this spirit exists in a physical body called John.” After this introduction, John bowed the same as he had seen Avu do. Omu said, “Come and let John’s soul see how we live here on Logo.”
John noticed that Omu had the same type of clothing as Avu, which reminded him of the simple and free-flowing clothing of the ancient Greeks. The cloth was made from some light material. Avu and Omu caught these thoughts of John and Avu explained to him, “Clothing for us is not simply a matter of fashion and change, but a question of practicality and of high-quality protection of our bodies. The fabric is made from natural material and during its production it is charged with energy and this energy remains within the cloth and is released through vibrations to the wearer. The cloth is regularly recharged and it helps the wearer achieve positive thoughts and stronger powers of concentration. Everyone alters and arranges his own clothing to suit his own taste, which means we have here a very individual sense of style or fashion based on freedom. You will see later that the colours of the clothing are bright and, if they are arranged correctly, create harmony and produce peaceful thoughts.”
They came into a large hall in which several entrances lead off to other rooms. John saw that the furnishings were light and airy. Omu motioned for the other two to follow him and they went through the first entrance. “This is the spiritual room or the room for quiet and meditation,” explained Omu and then continued. ”This room is the most important in our homes. Here every morning, noon and evening I go through my spiritual exercises, as does every inhabitant of this world in his own such room. For us on Logo, the harmonic union of the physical and spiritual forms is an important part of life.” John looked at the ceiling of the chapel, as he called this room, and saw that it was in the form of a small pyramid. “The pyramid structure,” noted Avu, “has universal significance, for it strengthens the ability to concentrate and it helps to hasten the spiritual uplifting. You will see this structure often on Logo.”
They left the silent room, went into the hall, and entered another room which Omu said was the place of accepting energy and which is used on Logo as a sleep chamber during the night. John learned that the nights on Logo are shorter than the days and so the energy accepting room was like a night generator. The ceiling and walls were conical in form. The smoothness and roundness of the wall radiated, according to Omu, calmness and relaxation. cosmic-people.com
Then Omu lead them across the hall to a large room, which he called the room of creative thinking. ”In this room we meet with friends to discuss, exchange opinions, and to create new thoughts and plans.” said Omu. John was aware of the room’s atmosphere, which was very gentle with supportive vibrations all around. “During our discussions, the room’s atmosphere and creative thoughts help to keep our minds totally open and in tune with one another. If someone comes with a new idea, we try to apply it so we can see how it would help our whole civilization of this Planet Logo. This leads to very fast technical developments which are based on the ethical laws.” Omu concluded his talk with these words when they had just arrived back in the large hall.
“Now we have come into the room for preparing energy, where we prepare energy for physical consumption which we still accept in the form of food,” explained Omu. In his mind, John compared this room of food energy to an Earth kitchen. This one was much simpler because, according to Omu, the majority of food here was eaten raw. Most consumables, consisting of fruits and vegetables.
Omu continued, “Therefore the food of Logo is composed of only fruits and vegetables which we obtain from the soil, trees and bushes. These products of nature are seen as compressed physical energy which reinvigorate the physical self which, as you can see, is lighter than the bodies of Earthlings.” John had to admit that it was true. The bodies of the people of Logo were lighter and more ethereal than his own fellow Earthlings.
Avu completed his comment that the inhabitants on Planet Logo have knowledge of energy food, which they serve, and, by combining it, add different kinds of energy to the body. ”This knowledge is important in our medical sciences, which are founded on different methods of delivering energy into the body,” he noted and then continued. ”We combine the different products of the soil and trees according to natural laws in order to obtain the highest amount of energy of each sort which will go into our bodies. Food is prepared and mixed so that it forms a new whole, a bond of energy rich in content and thus raises its energy value in one energy current which strengthens the body but also has an influence on our mental development.”
In the room for preparing energy, John noticed a device, which resembled a television satellite dish. Omu explained to him that this device was for receiving energy transmissions which were broadcast over the entire Planet Logo and could be picked up anywhere by these devices, without the use of wires, and that they powered all household devices. John realized that here there were no wires, only cleanly transmitted streams of energy received anywhere and anytime on the entire planet. He explained to himself that the energy waves were transmitted into space and received by this device.
Omu now led John into a room, which looked like a mineral bath. From the walls, streamed out clean water into a tank that resembled a human body. ”In this room we lie in energized water for specific lengths of time and let it cleanse us with its energy, which removes the draining energy from us, and recharges us with new energy. This energized water is prepared in special water treatment plants, by using minerals and power stones. Their energy is radiated into the water which we distribute all over the planet.”
When the three of them had gone out to the garden, John noticed for the first time the definitely unique shape of the house. Its walls were rather more rounded than square and parts of the roof had a pyramid or dome shape. “The reason was,” explained Omu, “to circulate the energy of the house in the easiest fashion. Because on Logo there were no great fluctuations in temperature, the inhabitants used the energy from the heat that is a part of the Planet Logo’s atmosphere. With the help of the triangular shaped pyramid placed on the roofs of houses, this clean energy could be gathered for the entire home.”
Avu finished the explanation about energy by saying, “On Logo we try to achieve the smallest frictional values because the greater the friction, the greater the loss of energy. For this reason we follow the physical laws about the smallest amount of friction, and, the smallest physical resistance, which is the basis of our entire technology.”
A small distance away there was another house very similar in construction to Omu’s, and in front of which two children were playing. This was a very interesting change for John. Omu added, “The main idea of child-rearing is that children should advance in their ethical and spiritual development. The effort of the parents is to lead the next generation through a spiritual and ethical education and learning. Visits to cultural concerts, galleries, and theatres make up an important and evident part of family life.”
Now, Avu and Omu began to discuss the plans for John’s visit, where Avu should take John, in order for John to see the most of Logo possible in the time he still had for this first visit. The two of them agreed that John should visit some museums, universities, and temples, in order to get to know a little more about life on Planet Logo. Because they both could move quickly in their astral forms, there would not be any problem in visiting several places far from one another. John decided that a visit to a museum of history would give him a better understanding of the development and evolution of the people and the Planet Logo.
And so, the two of them said farewell to Omu, who assured John that they would meet again. Then John and Avu rose into the air and headed toward the Museum of History of the Planet Logo. Under them flowed the bright, rainbow-coloured land. Animals were also shining in their own colours, and Avu pointed out that the animals of Logo were on a higher level of development and that they consciously can help people. A wonderful scent produced by nature filled the entire atmosphere of the whole planet.
Their flight continued over the confluence of two rivers, and John was unable to telepathically hide his admiration and awe at the sight of these two rainbows of water joining, for he saw in the water so many elements of energy. As the energy was in movement, its colours constantly changed, so that the river became a rainbow moving over the surface of the planet. John saw something similar on nearby lakes as waves of water transformed into beautiful waves of colour. Avu added that even rain contains energy and when it falls each drop looks like a glittering crystal coming down from the heavens.
In some places, John felt a very light wind blowing which carried a pleasing scent. Avu told him telepathically that wind here is a gentle stream of energy and odour which carries across the whole of the planet the smells and influences of nature. Because it is so pleasing and beneficial, it is very desirable for the wind to blow.
They flew over a hill, which loomed above a deep, wide valley. It reminded John a little of California. He also realized how mild the atmosphere of Logo was and how strongly it reflected the peaceful and positive thoughts of its inhabitants.
The beautiful colours of nature continued to flow slowly beneath them, and on the horizon several small hills began to appear. “We are almost there,” said Avu, and John looked ahead to the place on the horizon of which Avu had spoken.
Chapter Four
History of the Planet Logo
Avu and John were continuing in their flight, when before them appeared a large white building which stood atop a hill in the middle of a beautiful park. They came down onto a path of iridescently radiating trees, next to which was a wide staircase on which were several stately columns. The building was set off with its beautiful white flittering color in rays of sunlight, which were striking it. On the roof of the building, there were a number of cupolas with a pyramidal shape. The walls had no edges. The whole building was reminiscent of different sides of an expanding oval shape.
On the steps stood a tall man with a glowing visage, which was fixed upon them. As they drew near the steps, Avu bowed down to him and John followed his example and did the same. The man on the steps also bowed and introduced himself as Itu, and said to both that he had received a message from Omu, communicating that they were coming over to have a tour of the Museum of Planet Logo’s History. He indicated the building with his hand, and told them telepathically that there was a collection inside of all information regarding the long history and governing of the Planet Logo.
They entered a large hall with elongated round windows, from which the steps led off in three different directions. Itu led them to the first floor where large panels were hanging, looking very much like large television screens. Showing on one of the panels was a picture of the Lobo galaxy, a solar system with five planets of which Logo was one, with its nearby orbiting burnt-out moon.
Itu led them to a crescent-shaped hall with a windowless cupola. There were comfortable wide armchairs custom-made for the inhabitants of Logo. Itu sat down behind a long white table, upon which was some sort of switchboard. Suddenly, an image of the Planet Logo appeared on the dome, and a film of the planet’s story was projected on the white semi-circle. The film surrounded its spectators, involving them in it.
Itu began to explain the history of the Planet Logo. “Logo’s history is very long, but we will focus on the last three thousand years,” he said. New three-dimensional images were being projected in the meantime, filling the entire space. “Two thousand years ago,” he continued, “a similar civilization to your Planet Earth’s existed on Logo. There was also a similar technical stage and political structure. Logo, at that time, was divided into smaller separate territories, which developed into states.
“Before the present civilization here, there were four different civilizations. These civilizations, at an important point of decision, chose the technical evolution and development rather than an ethical and spiritual one. Therefore, they ended in catastrophe, resulting in wars between the various countries and various allegiances or in natural disasters, which demolished their centers of civilization. Then they had to start making up for the damage from scratch. These times of reconstruction were a sort of relief for the planet because in this way they kept the planet from being totally destroyed.”
At this point, the images on the dome began to remind John of Earth. There were high buildings, constructed in great complexes, which reached into the distance. The transport was on the ground, as well as in the air, very quiet, with cigar-shaped vehicles, which were similar to the hull of an airplane. The pictures of people struck John as being more sharp-featured and well built than Earth’s people, but also a bit shorter. The landscapes looked similar as Earth’s with no traces of air pollution.
Itu went on explaining. ”Twelve hundred years ago the situation collapsed in such a way that the strongest groups tried to control the planet. The War of the Continents resulted, having catastrophic consequences on Logo. Parties fighting among themselves had taken advantage of a nearby burnt-out planet, landing there to continue fighting. Their weapons were very high-tech and accurate, which meant that only the military centers of the opposing sides were destroyed.”
At this point, images of various types of weapons of mass-destruction appeared on the screen, which, as John had suspected, were based on the laws of vibration, their light or sound waves able to destroy the structure of solid matter, causing it to fall completely to pieces. So, without any explosions or bombings, buildings and entire cities ceased to exist. Of course, the unbelievable din of the battles, which was sent out from flying machines, drove people away from their homes, bringing them to the edge of a madness caused by fear. There were also images of battles on the nearby burnt-out moon orbiting Logo, where in complete desolation, there suddenly appeared elongated pointed cigar-shaped airplanes which sent out concentrated rays destroying their enemy.
“This War of the Continents did not last long, due to the high-tech equipment of the warring parties,” Itu continued, ”but destroyed all their continental bases and noticeably reducing the population of Logo. The warring parties started to become a minority among those in the remote regions of the planet who had not participated in the war. The survivors of this warring civilization remained isolated in their destroyed centers on their respective continents, having to rebuild their broken societies once again.”
“Within five hundred years of the War of the Continents, the so-called spiritual masters were asked into government positions by the masses. These masters maintained high levels of spiritual consciousness. Under the rule of these spiritual and ethical leaders, the planet was unified on all levels, including language, politics, economics, and culture. As a result, the Planet Logo became one large global state. In order to maintain uniform progress of civilization, it was necessary for the majority of the planet’s inhabitants to be on the same ethical, spiritual, and intellectual level. At this time, there is one common language on the Planet Logo, one level of technology, one set of laws, an equal level of education, and most importantly an emphasis on individual ethical and spiritual development, which must always be a step ahead of intellectual development. For that reason, a close relationship between scientists and spiritual leaders is encouraged on Logo.”
The pictures on the crescent-shaped screen stopped, the bluish-pink color of the sky receding into the rays of a shining light. Itu turned to John and said, “You have just seen a very brief overview of the last period of the history of the Planet Logo. We will now move to another area, dedicated to the present civilization and development of the planet. There you will see a great difference in the thinking and understanding reflected in the leadership and lifestyles of the whole planet.” With these words, the three went through the corridor to the next area, which was divided into several sections.
They entered a large crescent-shaped room. Again, there were large white boards hanging on the walls, which looked like four-sided screens. “On these screens”, Itu explained, “pictures chosen from the exhibition archives of the history museum are shown. What that means is that, if we want to organize an exhibition, we need only give the theme, and immediately, pictures or documents are automatically retrieved from the central archives. These pictures or documents are then displayed on our screens. This way, the exhibits can be changed to show whatever the viewer desires.
The idea appealed to John very much. He was reminded of an exhibit he had once put together in a church in Augusta. It took several weeks before the materials were found and displayed properly. He realized, that here on Logo, it would take just one command from the control panel to prepare an exhibit on any theme relating to the history and existence of Planet Logo, and it could be done in a matter of minutes.
Itu walked over to a large panel and, instantly, images began to appear on the screens around them. “We have just been concentrating on the history of the Planet Logo,” Itu said, telepathically, “Now we will have a look at the present structure of the general type of governing which is called the “Planet Logo Guidance Philosophy,” what you on Earth might call governmental philosophy.”
“As you have just seen, the War of the Continents was caused by the leaders of the time - or politicians, if you like - on Logo. For us, it is ancient history. It is important to realize that whether there is war, revolution, crime, dishonesty, or the struggle for power, any of these emits negative energy. These negative vibrations may clash with the harmonious laws of Outer Space, automatically creating a contradiction and effecting a change from negative to positive harmonious powers. A clash occurs between the negative and positive energies, leading to fighting and fracture. When people begin to recognize the existence of the positive and harmonious vibrations, which follow the Universal Law, then there will be no need to get into negative situations, such as wars, conflicts, and other such situations. We have the knowledge of this vibration and the laws of the universe here on Logo, and we try to abide by them as best we can.”
In order to clarify the results of seemingly harmless activity, Itu continued. ”On Logo, we don’t produce anything reminiscent of weapons. Even those things which might be seen as just a game, or entertainment, but which could have destructive or fatal effects in real life, do not exist on Logo. Because if just the vibrations from thoughts and action needed to carry out these negative games is emitted, eventually it will result in a karmic fall for all those associated with them.”
“For that reason, policy making on Logo rejects everything which might awaken any thoughts of violence, harming others, or of killing. That’s why the Planet Logo has wonderful positive vibrations, which are joyful, peaceful, and spiritually advanced. In comparison, the Planet Earth where you come from has vibrations, which emit unrest, desires, and sometimes chaos. A further result is that on the Planet Earth, inhabitants and leaders vie with one another in an attempt to be first. With this comes inevitable rift and division. By comparison, on Logo the emphasis is put on unity and, in keeping with that, cooperation.”
After these words, which Itu offered, John asked about something, which concerned him most on Earth. “Does that mean that crime, or harming others, compulsion, and violence don’t exist on the Planet Logo?”
Itu answered, “Well, the way you imagine violence on the Planet Earth, that is, one person harming the physical body of another, does not exist on Logo. We know very well that the retribution for everyone who practices such deeds is a karmic fall, which will result in either physical or mental suffering.”
Itu continued his explanation. “But, even on Logo, what we call ignorance exists in some people. Something like this means inner imbalance, at which point not only harmony begins to be impaired, but also the balance between the intuitive and the intellectual.” While Itu was speaking, pictures, or rather a series of films, appeared on the screens, illustrating visually that which Itu was speaking. John reflected upon the fact that, on Earth, the motivating force for everyone is, most importantly, possessions and what people call money. Itu intuitively caught these thoughts of John.
“On Logo,” Itu again began to explain, “there was a barter system. This barter system was a response to economic and political divisions of the time, and was the only reason to work. This system no longer exists on Logo. So, work on Logo is no longer an activity done for reward, but for the work itself. This is considered a service to all, because everyone works to the same level of quality. Whether groceries or such products as housing, all are insured by the global parliament which has the task of looking after all inhabitants equally, wherever they live on the Planet Logo.”
John understood that for the Planet Earth, for all the inhabitants of Earth, this system of global security was a vision of the future. However, at this time, another “earthly” thought occurred to him, which this time had a bearing on the advanced system of democracy, or people-elected representatives to the ruling of the governing organ.
Itu again telepathically caught John’s thoughts and started to show enlightening pictures on the screen. “Such politics, or the toil of leaders, consists in the influential thoughts of the masses,” Itu began to explain. “That’s the reason so-called politics, or the occupation of leaders, is only a small group, whose thoughts and feelings are presented to the majority. According to what you are saying, in your eyes this system, which you call democracy, is the best one. For the time being, democracy brings with it freedom of thought and selfdetermination, but it also brings accountability for everyone. ”
“What sort of political or governmental system is there on Logo?” John asked.
Itu touched the control panel and bluish-pink pictures of the radiance of Planet Logo appeared on the white screen, radiating with the vibrations of the universal planetary unity. “The governing of the Planet Logo,” Itu began his explanation of the philosophical governing on Logo, “consists of three basic components: ethical, spiritual, and material. The most basic is, however, the spiritual component. One person is not the sole representative because we have only one planetary government on Logo. The system utilized on Logo is known as the wisdom laws of thought. The procedures of these universal laws are not necessarily political parties, groups, or individual leaders. Wisdom is universal and, consequently, boundless, and quite free in its essence. Certain ideologies or political directions can in fact limit the basic rights of universal wisdom.
“The entirety of Planet Logo’s operations is driven on this basis?” John asked with definite curiosity.
The branching structure of the political system in place on Logo appeared on the screen. At the highest point from which everything else was issued, John intuitively felt the name, “Planetary Ethical and Spiritual Parliament.”
Avu, who as a spiritual master was a member of the Planetary Ethical and Spiritual Parliament, took things up here. “There is only one governing body on Logo, and that is the leadership of the ethical and spiritual masters who assumed leadership of the Planet Logo some hundreds of years after the War of the Continents,” Avu explained. “These ethical and spiritual masters are scholars of the universal laws of wisdom. Further, the scientific parts of this parliament are scientists who make the plans in harmony with the ethical and spiritual laws for life on the Planet Logo. All states were, during the time of the gradual unification and the creation of the laws of unity, united in one language, and the Planet Logo slowly became a single planetary system.”
“This Planetary Ethical and Spiritual Parliament is not preoccupied with politics, but rather with the ethical and spiritual management of the inhabitants of Logo, and secondly with the looking after of the existential and material security of all citizens of the planet. The ethical and spiritual masters or leaders are not voted into this parliament, but rather sent into it, because it is their vocation and calling from birth. The present masters of the Ethical and Spiritual Planetary Parliament choose the new members, as they are able to recognize their wisdom and spiritual abilities, because they should be the wisest and most enlightened souls on the Planet Logo. And so, such individuals, at the earliest point in their middle-ages, are called upon to the function of spiritual master or scientist in parliament.”
“The Planetary Ethical and Spiritual Parliament has branches over the whole of the Planet Logo, which work in complete unity. On each continent there is a Continental Ethical and Spiritual Parliament, which leads the whole continent, and its members are also members of the Planetary Parliament. Here they do not vie with one another for power, or attempt to have life on one continent better than on another. Their calling is rooted in unity and what works best for the whole planet. This means that the whole planet has access to the planetary medicine, technology, inventions, ethics, and spiritual teachings of the whole. Developmentally, all people endeavor to be on the same level. So, from the viewpoint of Planet Earth, we could call Logo’s system of leadership one of following the wisdom laws of respect and harmony.”
John realized what a very interesting governing system Logo had been founded on. Making money, existential standing, collecting of material things and, conceivably, even politics or other such activities, were the main measure of earthly success and were, in fact, reflections of the political systems of various countries. Also, the degree of standards of living, were in contrast to Logo, on Earth so diverse that only with difficulty was it possible to talk about its pertinent balance in the near future. The dependence on political and economic stability was, quite unequaled in some countries, when politicians and whole governments changed so quickly, that in fact, there was no time for a country’s inhabitants to do anything.
John understood the emphasis on the ethical and spiritual side of the evolution of the whole system on the Planet Logo. It occurred to him, as well, that advanced thought had created the Planetary Ethical and Spiritual Parliament, which on the basis of wisdom, ethical and spiritual laws led the whole Planet Logo in harmony. From this it was clear that unity and cooperation were the cornerstone of Logo, founded on a unified development, a concrete base, as well as a central point, from which the entirety of the philosophical and life systems on the Planet Logo were unwound.
During this contemplation, a Zen insight suddenly came to John, when before his inner eye in a flash of comprehension an image of the whole organizational system of the Planet Logo was reflected.
John reached, in this perception, an understanding of the universal harmonic system, which is a guarantee of harmony and rules, which it follows and which can be practiced on various levels, including those of wisdom, material, and spiritual. This system was created by the universal harmony of the Spirit and was projected into space in order, that whoever should “drink” or receive of these vibrations and understand them, might be governed by the laws of the harmony of the Spirit, and so become part of the universal accord.
After a while, John felt the extending of his consciousness inside him from this experience, and he saw before him Avu and Itu standing, looking at him with joy, and also with a bit of pride. Itu led him to a large window, which opened and from which there was a beautiful view of the surrounding park, which enveloped the Museum of the History of the Planet Logo. Itu invited both on a walk to have a look at the park.
Chapter Five
The Experience of the Music Sphere
After Avu and John had completed their visit to the Museum of History of the Planet Logo, they went to a not-too-near pavilion located in beautiful secluded surroundings, which also served as a meeting place for those who went there. One could also get something to eat or drink here, and, in fact, across from the eating area, which John was visiting, there was a lively bustling of people.
Avu relayed to him that he had invited two more acquaintances here who would be able to perceive, as well as to comprehend, John’s presence on Logo. In the meantime, they sat down on a kind of verandah, overlooking a beautiful natural view through large windows, where there was a crowd of people who were visiting the extensive pavilion. Avu asked John to wait for him, and said that he would get something to eat from the dishes, prepared and placed on a wall to the side, from which whoever wanted could take quite freely.
John looked around and perceived a great peacefulness and composure prevailing everywhere, despite the many people all around. Their behavior towards one another, however, appeared very friendly and pleasant, and on their slender faces one could see their inner joy and satisfied composure in the light of their wisdom, and friendliness in their eyes. There were whole families. John observed that even the children’s games were filled with peace. It seemed to John that everything had a harmonious course and peaceful poise, resulting in a joyful mood.
Avu was already coming back to the table with the food, as well as with the two friends he had invited to meet John. It was a woman and a man, who bowed to John in greeting, which he repeated, and they sat down with him on the large comfortable chairs. They put something beautifully colored and resembling fruit, covered with some sort of syrup, on the table. John began to look his newest companions over, one after the other. Like all the inhabitants of Logo, their bodies were upright and delicate, but also tall and solid. From their elongated faces and their shining eyes came vibrations of a noble quality, along with spiritual maturity. Their foreheads and brain cavities were a bit larger. The rest of the bodies of the men and women looked similar to those on Planet Earth with one difference, their greater stature made them seem a little more drawn and slender.
John realized that both of them were speaking with him on a telepathic level, as Avu did, and so he asked whether that meant that this kind of communication was common on Logo. The woman called Eti answered, “Our speech is telepathic, even though we are also able to make sounds. Telepathy is simpler, and also more exact for expressing ourselves, and we can talk at greater distances. Our children learn it from early on. Telepathy is the ability to transmit and receive thoughts. The structure of the speech we use is rich, although simple, and after each word, we immediately imagine all of the possible related combinations. This type of speech is, however, very academic. In chats with friends, such as we’re having now, considering every combination isn’t necessary; rather, we use simple, or even basic, speech to express single thoughts. Sentences consist, rather, of words, where syntax isn’t so important, but the meaning of the words and the information contained in them is.
John realized that, as a matter of fact, there were two types of telepathic communication. One was academic and required active intuition and creativity; the second, which was simple and straightforward, was utilized in everyday conversations. Dividing a single word into a number of meaningful parts seemed to John very interesting, and he saw the many possibilities in it. John asked if they could tell him more about life on Logo. The man, called Oti, a scientist, tried to explain the course of life of the inhabitants of Planet Logo.
“On the Planet Logo, the way of life is based on two things. The first is the spiritual and ethical development and widespread consciousness, and the second is receiving energy from vibrations, rather than only from food. The day of Logo inhabitants starts by going to the temple or sitting at home in a quiet place, where they receive life energy and do spiritual exercises. After these exercises, we do our daily work. From a young age children go to school, where the most important thing is complex learning about life and the delicate art of intuitive perception, so that the rest of their education goes very quickly. We regard the most important period in the development of the child to be in the first two to three years of life, when the child has the natural ability to perceive intuitively. During this period, children are able to remember the heavenly astral sphere, in which they lived before their birth.”
John listened intently and Oti continued, “People go to school until the age of approximately twenty-five of your Earth years. After this time, they receive the information they need for a harmonious life and their life calling. Every citizen on Logo has his own work space in which he carries out his calling. It is common to change one’s work over the years, from hard physical labor, to work in which it is necessary for most to use intuition, intellectual and spiritual qualities. The majority of vocations are those such as teaching, exploring, science, art and so on, for which ethical and spiritual maturity is necessary. Because our life is about 150 years long, people generally enter such a branch of work at about the age of 70 or 80 years, when they are already spiritually mature. As you already know, remuneration for work of any kind does not exist on the Planet Logo, and so the basic work ethic is service for others, as well as for oneself.
John did not want to interrupt Oti in his explanation, so he listened on quietly to this interesting description of life on Logo. And so Oti continued, “On Logo, one works half-days, after which time products are shipped off to places where they are concentrated for distribution to all the territories. The person in charge of any organization is one who is ethically advanced and has well-developed intuitive leadership. Such a person takes care to see that everything is in accordance with the laws of harmony and unity. After work, the time is divided between gathering physical energy and, in the evening, gathering spiritual energy.“ angels-light.org
John listened with interest, and Oti went on, “The system of economics on Logo is quite uncompetitive, but rather operates on creativity from which supplies arise. Because there is no system of exchange, people on Logo manufacture and offer their goods quite freely. It is very important that our system defines that people do the kind of work of which they are capable and, consequently, are called upon to do. This is one of the reasons the development of civilization on Logo has progressed so rapidly. Such an approach brings composure and peace to the behavior and thoughts of people who try to live according to the harmonious universal laws and relationships.
John now entered the stream of thought and asked whether the construction of buildings and temples was the work of laborers, or some sort of brigade of soldiers, as it had to be very difficult work. “Working with matter,” Avu answered, for a change, “is not very difficult work on Logo, because we know how to change a building’s molecules, if its physical weight is substantially reduced. Our bodies, even though they look big and strong, are not cut out for hard work with matter because too much of the body’s physical energy would escape therein. If you want to talk about armies as you know them on the Planet Earth, and we know from our ancient history, well, such armies no longer exist here. However, they have been replaced by groups of aid-givers, who are always called, in case of disaster, accident, or some other unforeseen calamity. There must not exist any occupation in the area of the production of weapons or anything harmful or violent on the Planet Logo.”
Eti interrupted this conversation and imparted to all that a concert of harmonious music was being prepared in the next building, and that for John, something like this might be a pleasant new experience, possibly proving to be more effective than long explanations. All went along through the park neighboring the building, which from faraway resembled an earthly Greek temple.
The unusual building was a classical construction with wide steps and round columns with many carved trimmings in the recesses and down the sides. When they entered, John noticed the rich interior decoration, the pictures, which created a relaxed atmosphere, the statues which were full of harmony, and finally the beautifully worked mineral stones. These stones, according to the words of Avu, radiated vibrations into space, which supported the creativity as well as the calming sense.
“As you see,” Avu continued with his account, “art on Logo has as its task spiritual rousing, and also reinforcing. Art, especially painting, depicts things, which are not physically visible for us but may be seen only in spiritual or mystical vision. This also means that the majority of artists on Logo are also spiritual masters. These examples of their art show that which is beyond the physical world and so help people better comprehend the spiritual world. Many of the pictures, as you can see, depict people surrounded by the colors of their auras, or energy. For example, this picture belongs to the group of paintings of joy, whose aim is encouragement on the path of wisdom, which leads to the Eternal Light. Looking at such a picture should fulfill the highest lotus, the spiritual center in our body, with spiritual light.”
Eti added to Avu’s narration by drawing John’s attention to the next row of paintings hanging there. “These are pictures which show how it turns out when a person does not respect the universal spiritual laws of wisdom, and so, in effect, knowingly walks towards the disintegration of harmony, which, in the end, will have negative impact. These pictures show what happens when spiritual development is stopped or laws of harmony and wisdom ignored. The picture here shows how the preoccupation only with matter will lead to a loss of intuition. This picture depicts the fall from spiritual and ethical to material consciousness. The more the consciousness and its thoughts are directed toward the physical body, instead of toward the soul, the less development is made. Some of the pictures displayed here try to show this happening.”
At this point they went through the corridor and entered the hall, which had an interesting interior. Everything was sort of softly curved, along with columns and various ornaments, which were oval-shaped. The seats were wide and comfortable, and the whole hall was brought into a harmony of white, blue, and gold. Over the place where the stage was, the ceiling was again like a vaulted dome, and from this dome there were semi-circular vaults leading throughout the whole hall. Oti explained to John that this shape effects an acoustically clear and carried sound.
The hall was, for the most part, full but the tall and slender people just kept coming. John’s friends sat down on the blue armchairs, Avu sat next to John who sat next to Eti, who leaned towards him and said, “Spoken plays are also put on here. These plays are so spiritually and ethically written that their words and meanings help to cleanse the aura and elevate the consciousness of those who listen. The spoken plays are mostly based on three themes: spirituality, character, and goodness. During these plays, which are followed intensely, we become connected with the contents and thus strongly reinforce the qualities spoken about in the play. Today, however, there will be a music concert with a vocal performance. Maybe there will be something similar to the sounds of Planet Earth.”
The hall was already quite crowded. John waited with interest for the musicians to come and begin playing. He observed with admiration that the listeners were not chatting with one another, but rather sitting quietly, some of them with their eyes closed. It struck John as surprising, and he looked to Avu for an answer.
Avu answered him telepathically that the element of listening to tones is an inner experience for the people of Planet Logo. “The music is not only perceived by hearing,” Avu explained telepathically, “but mainly by the inner experience of the soul. This means our music is harmonically composed so that listening to the beauty and harmony of the tones affects the hearing, even more importantly, it is the inner perception of tones which helps the subtle energy rise through the spiritual centers of the body to a higher level of consciousness. This leads to the fact that during the concert, the majority of listeners experience an inner spiritual blessedness and joy, which are spiritually reinforcing. That is also the reason people get quiet before a concert and concentrate, in order to accelerate the process of connecting with the beauty of the tones, which will sound and be so harmonically written that they will enable the soul to rise to a higher level of consciousness” Avu finished his explanation just in time because the concert was just about to begin.
Three musicians came on stage, bringing large instruments with them. One looked like a harp, the second like a flute, and the third was a big stringed instrument. First the harp began to play, and John realized why this instrument was so interestingly constructed. Above and below there were sounding boards, which modified the sound of the strings. This meant that the tone which actually played on the string reverberated from more than one side, so that the sound was actually not only stereophonic, but sort of multiplied, as though there were more than one harp playing at once.
The next interesting thing was that the strings could play whole harmonies at once, so that while playing more strings one after the other, it sounded as if a little orchestra was playing. The more John listened to the music of the tones, which sounded unbelievably soft and harmonically captivating, the more he felt his consciousness actually being uplifted. The flute joined in after a while, sounding here like the tones of heaven. The melodies were harmonically penetrating, and John experienced his consciousness shifting into a state of joy. The next stringed instrument, in the shape of a big cello, which sounded as soft as a violin, brought strong vibrations through long trembling tones.
John unconsciously merged with the music, which lifted him even higher into the spheres of calm, peace, and joyful fulfillment. He felt a sort of gentle light go through his whole body, rising to the back of his head. He felt the tones of the music somehow lifting him up from his seat and his consciousness rose to dizzying heights from which the heavenly music of the spheres comes.
Now a tone of clear and shining sound like the scent of a sea wind was added to the melody, which vibrated through the hall. John opened his eyes and saw a girl in a long pink pleated dress with dark black hair, who completed the harmony of the musicians’ tones with her voice, and added a further spell to the harmony. Her singing was of the incredible beauty of sung tones, which mostly moved in the harmonic cadences of the coloratura, which afterward changed into the singing of one long tone, embellished by the magical beauty of her voice. The length of the tone lasted unbelievably long, filling the hall with a lovely vibration of sound colored by the music of the instruments, as though the tone were floating up to a higher sphere. John was fascinated and his consciousness got lost in the spheres of the universe, where it lived through an incredible blessedness. The tones of the instruments and the voice filled the beautiful hall, which was filled by the vibrations of the joy of those present. There was neither a place nor a human soul in this hall, which was not lit up by, and filled with the harmony, which rose to the spiritual sphere, where they felt the presence of the everlasting and universal Godhead. It was the spiritual path of the music that led them to the awareness of how they might remain for some time in this joyful, but strengthening, state.
When the concert finished, and the artists stayed for a while with the listeners in absolute silence, John was the only one who lifted his hands to clap. Avu gave him a signal, however, to stay still. When the silence was interrupted by bowing and exiting of the artists, Avu explained to John that the highest reward for an artist on Planet Logo is to have created such a spiritual atmosphere that most souls are lifted to a higher sphere. The expansion of spiritual consciousness for the listeners was the greatest reward, which an artist could receive and that is why they stood for a few moments in silence, in order to feel the vibrations of the joy filling the whole hall.
When they had left the building, the sun was still lighting the soft atmosphere of the Planet Logo. They took the path around the little lake with light blue water, around which myrtle-green grasses grew, and from which a rainbow of colored flowers sprang. The air was charged with soft energy, which came from the auras of nature, spreading all over the planet. John was still filled with the energy from the concert of music and singing, and now nature’s energy made him even stronger. He felt this joyful strength inside, along with a fulfillment of spiritual everlasting life.
John’s new friends, Eti and Oti, bowed good-bye to him and Avu. Avu stayed alone with John. “I see,” said Avu, “that our day on Planet Logo is approaching an end, and that it will be necessary to take care of your arrival back to your body, which rests on Planet Earth. Perhaps it would be better if we went back to the Temple of Cosmic Wisdom, which, as you know, is surrounded by a park where there is very strong energy. Before the trip, you will receive as many vibrations as possible in meditation, and then we will set off immediately on the return trip through Space to the Planet Earth.”
When Avu finished talking, they floated and flew in the direction of the Temple of Cosmic Wisdom. They landed on the ground and sat on a bench in front of some ample trees, whose leaves shone with the bright colors of their auras, which somehow lit up the silence of the night.
After some time, they both stood up and their astral body began slowly to move away from the surface of the Planet Logo, until only a weak trembling blinking in the distance of space was proof of their having set off on the return trip to the Planet Earth.
Night was descending on Logo, only the moon near the planet and thousands of stars were visible. Everything was wrapped in calm, disturbed only by the joyful energy of this beautiful blue-pink planet.
Chapter Six
Return to Planet Earth
As John was lying in his bed where he had been for many hours his body began to show signs of life. John very slowly opened his eyes and calmly surveyed his room. Then he closed his eyes again, and after a while, reopened them to reassure himself that what he was seeing was actually reality.
He slowly began to move his hands, and after a bit he was able to sit up. From his bed he had a view of the forest and sky, and he was assured that he was really back where he was supposed to be, at home, on the right planet. The sun was already throwing its rays all around, and John guessed the time to be 9 o’clock a.m. However, he still did not want to get up and begin his morning exercises. He sat comfortably on the bed and began to clearly remember everything he had experienced during his long sleep.
In his mind’s eye he saw pictures of space, and then of Logo, the bluish-pink planet, with its beautiful gardens and temples, unusual houses, and the gentle people. Through all of this was a thread connected to the spiritual leader Avu, who gave it a seal of reality and true appearance. The more John thought about it, the more real the personality and existence of Avu became. And not only that, but, more importantly, he had the sensation of having a celestial friendship which did not know the hampering effects of time and which was everlastingly present. The pictures from the Planet Logo floated before his inner eye like a fantastic film from a Hollywood Studio although for John these pictures were living realities.
He slowly got up and dressed. Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door. He opened it and there stood Jean and Maureen, who invited him to have breakfast with them. After a short stroll through the woods, they arrived at their little house, where breakfast was already waiting on the table.
This day, instead of a walk through the woods on Woolman Hill, John had determined to go to the town of Deerfield to look at the shops and be among people. And because he was very unfamiliar with the town, he invited Jean and Maureen to go with him and have a lunch. Deerfield was a typical quiet Massachusetts town with many small lively shops, as well as a supermarket within easy reach. John parked his car downtown and all three walked along the streets of Deerfield where John received an explanation of almost everything he saw, as if he were a tourist. There was even a Chinese restaurant, and because all three were vegetarians, Chinese food full of vegetables and rice was exactly what they all wanted to order. On the way back to the parking lot, John bought a newspaper and Time magazine in order to catch up on what was happening in the world, which he had neglected while living the secluded life.
John assured himself in his conversation with Jean and Maureen that their interests and opinions concerning religion were very similar to his own. And when, in the late afternoon, all three were sitting at a table with a pot of steaming tea, John followed Jean’s comments regarding the use of the I Ching, the Chinese book about harmony.
Outside the sun was already setting and the first stars were beginning to shine in the sky. John took his leave from Jean and Maureen, thanked them for breakfast and the afternoon tea, and began slowly to make his way back to his cottage. He stopped on the extensive grounds to be able to watch last of the sunset, the coming of the night, and the distant sound of the bleating sheep, which had returned from the pasture to the large sheep-pen.
John slowly returned by way of the forest path to his cottage. Here he sat in the quiet and looked out the window at the coming dark of night, returning in his mind to his visit to the Planet Logo and sorting through all of last night’s experiences. Afterward, he wrote long into the night about his outer space experiences.
The next morning John read through the newspaper and the Time magazine he had bought and realized that, from all of this news of the world, all political events changed regularly, depending on who had the most weapons or was economically strongest.
The economic competition between nations was an unending fight in the new markets of the world, all about more profit and the increase of standards of living for certain sections of the population. By comparison, other countries had to worry that a large portion of their citizens, predominantly children, might die of hunger or become part of the waves of emigrants, which spill from one country to the next. This problem was a vicious cycle for not only statesmen, but, more importantly, for individuals who suffered their fates within an almost indifferent world.
Systems of dictatorship destroyed the soul of human creation at its roots in the various professions of society, or led human thought in a certain direction. Political events changed their form according to the needs of the participants or those who were behind the veil of the political incognito. However, they ruled with boundless power behind the scenes of history, political players in a chess match, those who got power through the fateful coincidences of history.
Religious belief was, an accessory to certain ideological groups, rather than a genuine spiritual effort on a personal path towards God. Religious dogma was sometimes similar to political dogma. Even though in this century, there was more religious tolerance than, perhaps, at any time before, a universal understanding of the reality of one God was still absent. Peoples of different religious faiths gave God various names and attributes, based on the needs of their society and character of their thinking. Not until the religious words and their manifestations quieted down were the believers of various denominations able to perceive the presence of one God in a deep, quiet, collective meditation.
In this contemplation, from a lay point of view on the world situation, it occurred to John, that many large changes awaited the world built on Planet Earth before it could go along a path similar to the one, which had been chosen by the society on the Planet Logo. This development would have to be aimed at accessing a higher level of perception and creating a society based on new higher ethical values, free of the egotistical approaches of groups and nations.
John understood that a greater solidarity and unity of the whole planet would have to be the basic guiding force on the way to changing the mindsets of people, and that a certain world universalism would have to replace the splintering or conflicts of interest. John imagined a system, which would work on the principle of the universal unity of the Planet Earth. This system would be put into practice in economics, politics, religions, health care, and other spheres, and would allow the rapid development for the future of the planet. In this system of universal planetary unity, John did not see any wiping out of nationalities, religions, or languages, because he considered them characteristics unique to each nation. However, he did see in the universal planetary unity the unlimited, and more importantly, unselfish, cooperation of all nations, which would stop the fighting and wars that still unnecessarily guided the world.
John also began to realize the great importance of forming a world-wide ethical parliament, similar to the UN. It would fulfill the human, ethical, and spiritual values, which were currently left to the governmental bodies of the world. The imbalance between the spiritual and worldly approaches throughout history had resulted in one-sided focus in the world’s development. For that reason, spiritual ethics had to become lasting parts of the governmental structures.
It became evident to John that the idea of a system of universal unity and cooperation was quite viable not only as a concept, but also as a practical step in understanding the present or near future. It is constantly necessary to create new systems in definite segments of time, to encourage the development of those who live in that time.
John formulated his thoughts for universal unity in a number of points. Soon he had developed seven points of universal unity on paper which were for him something like a direction for the improvement of his own perspective on, and approach to, present world events.
The seven points of universal unity contained the following:
Unity among people - because all people had the same Creator, the same source of life, they should see the unity of all people on this planet.
Unity and understanding in families - to have harmony in a family means to live in friendship and understanding with all the family members.
Unity among the nations - while realizing the unity of all of humankind, we should try to live in friendship with all the people on Planet Earth, no matter to which nationality or race they belong.
Unity with nature and all its creatures - people should try seeing themselves as stewards of the natural world, and not as superior rulers who, disturb the harmonic course and cause suffering to nature’s creatures.
Unity and cooperation with all the believers of different religions - every religion has the same aim, to lead its believers to a knowledge of God’s presence in their own hearts and souls.
Unity of all life forms - this should lead to the realization that there is only one source of life in the universe, which is a great gift and is the basis of all creatures and people.
Unity between the soul and God - when the daily practice of silence and meditation brings those into direct contact with God or the Absolute, and the understanding of God’s existence.
After writing the seven points down, John realized that his view of the world and his own values had changed, and that if he wanted to be a creative part of this world, he would have to try to fulfill in practice these realizations.
The sun had reached the highest point in the sky, and John was both joyous and mentally exhausted. He decided that it was the right time to have a rest and relax. He was encouraged by his empty rumbling stomach, which was clearly asking John to descend from the spirit sphere of daily life and to take care of his body, which was now begging for a good lunch.
When, in the evening, John returned from his afternoon walk, he sat down and started to relax. He slowly drifted into meditation, without realizing that a pleasant surprise was waiting for him. The more he experienced the silence in his mind, the faster his soul was uplifted to higher spheres, in which he felt a pleasant vibration of calm. After some time, John saw a bright light through his inner eye.
Eventually, he recognized the presence of the spiritual master Avu from Planet Logo in the light.
John was filled with great joy because Avu, although he was physically absent, had become a friend who represented an unbelievable change in John’s life. This same joy was felt from the vibrations of Avu, who immediately began telepathically to send his message to John.
“I’m glad to see you again in this sphere,” said Avu. “I believe that the trip to Logo made a great impression on you, and that you have reached a new awareness.” John could only agree with the words of Avu, when he continued. “Based on the request of the rest of the spiritual masters from Logo, I would like to ask if you would like to experience another trip to Planet Logo, in order to understand its life better?” John was full of surprise, as well as joy, because he had not expected anything quite like this. But, on the other hand, he felt a human fear of such a long trip far away from his home planet, which was a basic part of his life.
Avu saw the joy and hesitation in the vibration of John’s aura and said, “I know you are a bit worried about this trip, but there is nothing to worry about because it will be as safe as the first one. Do not forget that your soul is immortal and that nothing can happen to it.” After these comforting words, John agreed to a second visit of the Planet Logo. After that Avu’s vibrations dispersed.
John slowly came out of the meditation, and he immediately and clearly remembered the new encounter with Avu. However, the last words of Avu assured him that there was nothing to be afraid of.
John took the message Avu had brought as a great gift for which he had to be grateful, as it not only enabled him to examine life on a civilized planet but also to become a part of it for a short time. He also realized that his human understanding would not allow him to take in everything, as he would have liked, but still his presence on Logo could be a great experience, which would certainly lead to the expansion of his consciousness.
It was already late in the evening when he fell into a deep sleep, so that he could prepare everything for tomorrow’s long trip through Space.
The moon was throwing its quiet silver rays over the wooded Woolman Hill. The voices of birds could be heard in the crowns of the trees, birds who had yet to put their heads under the safety of their wings, and in the dusk the bleating of sheep from their warm shelter was also heard. A peace had unfolded over the entire landscape, where there was still a place undisturbed by civilization, and where night could become what it should be, that is, a period of rest and relaxation.
Chapter Seven
The Second Visit to the Planet Logo
John tried to sleep for as long as he could so that his body would be the most rested and as full of energy as it could be. For that reason, he was in no hurry to get up. His breakfast consisted of substantial whole grain flakes, covered in milk. After breakfast, John set off for a walk in the woods in order to prepare mentally for his evening meeting. In the afternoon he left a message with Jean that he did not want to be disturbed the next morning. In the evening he read a few paragraphs from the Gospel of St. John and then on meditation from the Bhagavadgita.
John lay down on the bed, relaxed his body, began to concentrate, and slowly, he entered a state of deep meditation, where Avu was waiting for him. They flew together through the Cosmos, and Avu pointed out some planets with various life forms as they passed them. There were space stations orbiting around some planets, on others, the beginnings of life appeared through the slow movement of the life-giving plasma which traveled through the planet. Now, even more than on the first flight, John realized how full of life the depths of the Universe were. The whole enormous cosmic colossus would have no reason for its existence if it were not filled with life.
After a while, the bluish-pink glow of the Planet Logo came into view, and both dove into the light atmosphere. As before, they landed at the Temple of Cosmic Wisdom. John’s soul felt fine, having returned to a place it already knew and to surroundings so pleasant. Avu wanted to lose no time and so, immediately, began the next tour of the Planet Logo, and as last time, took on the role of guide.
“We shall now fly to see the buildings of education and science, where people receive their intellectual knowledge, and which are located all over the planet,” Avu communicated to John’s soul. With that, they took wing again over what was already familiar ground to John, strewn with low houses and shining vibrating countryside. After a short while, they drew near to a park in which stood some large buildings, whose white paint was set off by sunny rays of the new day. Both landed at the entrance to the park, where students or scientists dressed in long light clothing were already walking down the green periwinkle lanes, going from one building to the other. Every building had curved walls and a wide entrance with steps and stately white columns. Some portions of the building were round. This shape created peace, a relaxing and meditative kind of energy. In some places, the roofs of the buildings were prism-shaped, like pyramids, which created energy of concentration and will.
Avu led John to a building that was bigger than the others, with a long flight of steps and rich columns through which a number of doors could be seen. After entering the building, Avu made for a round niche in the hall, where an illuminated board was hanging. He touched the board, and there appeared an image of the face of a black-haired young woman whom Avu addressed by the name of Munu, announcing his arrival to her. After a short while, when John had had a good look around the large hall, which had harmonic pillars and a beautiful decorative balcony placed in the center, Munu appeared on the staircase in the hall. She had a tall and slender figure, and her elongated face with its black hair reminded one of a drawing of an earthly Egyptian goddess. Her robe was pink with gold fringe and flowed to the ground. When she came before Avu, both bowed to one another. Then Munu turned and bowed to John, who followed suit.
Avu communicated telepathically to John that Munu is the leader of the whole of the Centers of Intellectual Education and Wisdom. John compared the center to a university on Earth. Munu led them up the wide stairs to the next floor where there was a big hall with white tables, on each of which there was a screen. People of various ages sat at some of the tables, intent on what was being shown on the screens.
“One can call up a text,” Munu explained, “to read or study. If the desired text is not stored in the memory of this library, then the student can connect with the continental library, which contains the texts of every disc, where information about the whole planet is gathered. So students can read any text they need to. Furthermore, a student may take any text appearing on his screen and save it on his own disc, and then call it up on a screen here in the library or at home. Storing on discs is storing the light rays of an image, as well as sound in its purest form. This means that storing information is done universally on the Planet Logo, and so information is available to all citizens of the planet.”
John wondered about the speed with which people on Logo could access information. Munu explained further to John that, of course the continental library contains all the possible information of the planet, and allows people on the whole of Planet Logo to be able to achieve the same intellectual level. For that matter, all inhabitants of the Planet Logo have the same level of education, which aids in moving towards a balanced intellectual development of Planet Logo citizens.
Munu led them from the big hall to a round room where Avu and John sat down in comfortable white armchairs. Munu continued, “The system of education on Logo is a philosophical-spiritual one, and starts in childhood. Later, there is technical training, occupied with the ways of the Universal laws. Grasping the laws is complex but once accomplished, a logical path is derived for obeying the laws. For that reason, all laws are subject to certain cosmic harmony, according to which they are also compiled. The system of learning on Logo targets a complex education from the beginning. This means that everything related is taught as a whole, from which the next steps are deduced.
John interrupted the flow of speech and asked Munu whether such steps were not too demanding to comprehend and imagine. “On Logo, the concept of learning as a single-step combination is utilized,” Munu answered his question. “And knowledge and related information are received all at once, as a whole. Progress is such that all of the many combinations can be inferred from one basic core of knowledge, which then allows one to move on to the next level. This enables us to move the intellectual development of the child forward rapidly. Therefore, the overall basis of our evolution is ethical and spiritual development.”
Munu addressed her words towards Avu. “Spiritual masters such as Avu cooperate with the intellectually mature scientists because we never want science to be abused.” Avu added to this saying, “Such measures in themselves are obviously helpful to the raising of the development of the whole planet.”
John asked, “How long do studies last on Logo, from childhood to finish?” “On Planet Logo, people are educated from the age of 2 to 25 of your years, and everyone has to go through this period of study,” Munu answered his question. “In these 25 years, people complete the first stage of their lives, preparing them for the rest of their life, which as you know, ends at about the age of 150 years.” Avu continued his explanation, “The last five years of study, that is, from the age of 20, everyone attempts, to put everything they have learned into practice. The last five years is an important time in the studies, as students take their fundamental knowledge and apply it to their lives, trying to draw together everything they have learned in order to combine it with the intensification of the spiritual life as a necessary beginning for the coming constructive years. As you know, there is not an age when people on Logo have no need for continuing education. Importance is also given to the process of mind. People learn from childhood to quietly concentrate and meditate, in order to awaken intuitive knowledge. For that reason, we put an emphasis on silence while studying because it is in silence that people are able to open themselves to their own spiritual wisdom.
Munu cut into the conversation. “The importance of the last five years is acquaintance with the laws of the spirit. Only after the completion of their studies at 25 are people prepared to enter a profession and begin an independent creative life.” Another question occurred to John and he expressed it immediately. “As I heard on my first visit here, professions on this planet are rather a kind of mission, which a person carries out as a service for others. Does this mean that, immediately after completing their studies, people enter into their chosen profession?” Munu gave him an answer. “Professions on Logo are chosen according to the gifts of the individual, accounting for the direction and province in which the individual’s gifts are strongest. The principal is that each person takes an occupation in which one’s abilities are the greatest and most harmonious in that period of life. In each field, practical experience not only intensifies knowledge, but also brings with it new ideas and combinations, which is very important for the development of each field of interest. New discoveries raise the development of the whole planet because all new inventions are immediately utilized on the whole of Planet Logo. The occupations, which serve as routine or necessary manpower are pursued mostly by those who need to perform physical labor and thereby gain distinct life experience. With that the development of the individual continues. This is why a person’s work changes according to the openness of his or her knowledge, intuitive understanding, and creative powers.” universe-people.com
“Now we shall go to have a look at the spiritual department, which is a part of every Center of Intellectual Education and Wisdom,” Munu said, leading John and Avu down the long corridor around the high round windows, which led to the park from which John and Avu had come. At the end of the corridor, Munu opened doors to a corridor into which one could enter small separate rooms. They entered one of them. The walls were round. Its ceiling was shaped like a small pyramid, the walls pale blue with a soft yellow pattern. A picture of the Cosmos with millions of stars was projected on a large white screen. In front of this picture there was a small straight backed couch. On the walls and in the niches were various minerals, and the room was filled with a pleasant elevating fragrance. Munu motioned for John to sit in an armchair, from which he could watch the white screen. Avu sat himself down on the couch and Munu began her explanation.
“This is the room of Spiritual Wisdom, where each student comes to get in touch with his or her spiritual master through the screen which is situated in front of the armchair where John is sitting. This is his teacher during the whole of his studies. As I have already said, the basis of learning on Logo is a philosophical-spiritual one, which begins immediately from childhood, when each has his own teacher who leads the student through the whole period of studies. As Avu already said, most important is the last five years of study, when the emphasis is placed on ethical and spiritual practice and training. The completion of studies, is at the age of twenty five. Communication with the spiritual master is carried out from this room. During a certain period of the day, the screen helps the student to connect with the master and leads with question and answer sessions. When this part is finished, the student sits on the small couch in silence in order to open his consciousness.”
John interrupted Munu at this point, asking whether she was talking about the technique of meditation practiced by millions on the Planet Earth. He explained that it is truly meditation that allows these people to connect with the universal consciousness, which goes by various names in the different religions on Earth.
“Yes,” answered Munu, “all souls revolve toward this Universal Center. Those who come to this room of Spiritual Wisdom, following the guidance of the spiritual masters, do so as well. In meditation, one immerses oneself in total peace. If necessary, pictures come up on the screen, which stimulate student’s spiritual efforts. Physical Universe is now pictured. Other times there may be pictures of beautiful landscapes, the heavenly world, or just a shining screen in colors chosen by the student. Also, very often the spiritual master recommends music suitable for the day’s meditation.”
Munu touched a board next to the couch where Avu was sitting, and a picture appeared on the screen, soft with shining light from whose center golden rays were shooting. Upon reaching the edge of the circle surrounding the whole picture, they returned to the point of light from which they shone. Avu asked John to sit in his place and began to explain what was happening. “This is a picture of the birth of light matter and the student comes to the understanding that the Divine Center of the Universe actually exists. This understanding is demonstrated here by touching the circle. The soul wakes up and starts coming back to the Spiritual Center of the Universe again, from which it had departed. The soul here is illustrated as a little point of light, which after touching the circle, constantly draws nearer to the great radiance from which it came. This means the return of the soul to Absolute Light, to the point from which it came and with which it is again integrated.”
John, who sat utterly relaxed on the sofa, appeared to have become one with the glowing point during Avu’s explanation. The point departed from its Center of Light, receded, and began to lose its radiance, which, however, never vanished entirely. The farther the point was from the Center, the weaker its light became. However, at its outermost limits, when this glowing symbol of the soul reached the circle, signifying sudden spiritual comprehension, awakening or understanding of the existence of the soul, this glowing point began again its return journey back to the Center of Everlasting Light. The closer it came to the Light, the stronger its own clarity and light were emitted. The closer the connection between this point representing the soul and its own source of Light, the more it shone.
At the end, after the shining point started to move towards the constant light of the Center with which it was quite united, it became once again an undivided part. John had himself experienced this oneness, which could easily be called a resurrection or everlasting nirvana of the soul in unity with God, or the mystical unity of the soul with the Divine. He felt as if his consciousness was widening and filling with spiritual light, in which he rested and so spiritually embraced the whole Universe. Beyond the enormous course of the universal colossus, suddenly John’s consciousness could be found in a wonderful silence, in repose with the Divine, where it was without any attributes, words or thoughts. Resting in the light of the Spiritual Divine Center was the everlasting NOW, everlasting PRESENT, and the consciousness of the silent CENTER.
There appeared a shining yellow light on the screen, clearly shone without any movement or shift in hue. John sat for a while absolutely motionless and silent, just experiencing the consciousness of light in his soul and his being. His consciousness slowly came back to the room where he happened to be. Avu turned to him and said, “The picture on the screen changed according to the stages of your consciousness. The stage of your consciousness was reflected colorfully onto the screen so that we could see it. The same effect applies even to negative vibrations, which are also depicted on the screen, where their colors are shown. I am glad you dove into the radiance of the Light, and that we could experience great spiritual joy together with you.”
Munu, who was also pleased with John’s experience, motioned to them and led them again down the corridor into the next library areas. She showed them the big screening halls, where documents or films about history, culture, geography and other subjects are screened. Through this visual learning students are able to come to know even bigger amounts of information in a short period of time. They can always come back to this visual information, as it is stored on small video-discs which students can turn on in the library or save on their own discs to be used at home. To John’s remark that on Planet Earth learning is carried out through reading from books, Munu responded that this method also existed in earlier periods on Planet Logo, but because of its time constraints and slow progress was shown to be impractical for development. “Information obtained through pictures and sound are faster and more permanent than written records,” Munu said.
As in the History Museum from John’s first visit, the pictures from discs were projected across an entire half of the round walls, so that the viewer became an indirect participant in the events. The sound came from all sides, giving the viewer the impression of being acoustically present in the situation being projected on the semi-circular wall, reminiscent of Earth’s virtual reality.
“The inhabitants of Logo are able to keep information in their memories,” remarked Munu. “This means our brains process, as well as combine, information quickly. However, the most important thing is intuitive education, because the intellect itself cannot understand the spiritual and cosmic laws of the Universe, and a civilization, which ignores those laws, disregarding the spiritual and ethical progress of the individual, regularly leads itself to catastrophe. Where ethical and spiritual progress are ahead of intellectual progress, the intellect, or reason, work more responsibly. If both aspects are in harmony and accord, the evolution of civilization can be led forward more quickly and harmonically.”
Munu motioned John and Avu to follow her. They left the screening room and went down the corridor to a door leading to a semi-circular tower with a staircase. Munu began to descend the spiral staircase. They passed several floors and soon Munu opened a sliding door, with the touch her palm leading to the lowest floor where there were long glass cases occupying the whole floor. When John took a closer look at what was kept inside, he was utterly surprised. In the glass cases, there were volumes resembling books and documents like on the Planet Earth formed from a material similar to paper, or possibly a soft textile. There were pictures and even signs of writing on their pages.
Munu smiled at John’s surprise, and told him that he was in the archives of the library, where all the surviving documents from the period before the War of the Continents were kept. “These documents,” explained Munu, “for the most part, describe the history of certain areas of Planet Logo, or the everyday life of the period when they were written. Some of the documents were written by civilizations, which lived before the present civilization, and their life resembled some forms of life on the Planet Earth. Unfortunately, those civilizations destroyed themselves in an exchange of war because, basically, they were on a lower ethical and spiritual level, and their egos or individual interests ruled them. For that reason, after the War of the Continents, the attitude towards life and its values changed, and the spiritual masters began to direct the whole of planet Logo in harmony with the universal laws of respect, love, tolerance, and wisdom.”
A question occurred to John, which sounded a bit exotic when he asked it, “Does anything like newspapers exist on Logo, that is, the daily news on several pages with pictures bringing news of what has actually happened on a given day? On Planet Earth, newspapers are something like a net of information of each day and are read by millions of people.”
Munu considered this and then motioned for John to follow her to one of the sections, where under the glass was a display of leaves from a soft material, with pictures and texts. The leaves were of different formats. John examined them for a while and agreed that there was a certain similarity between the earthly newspapers and magazines and those printed pages of the soft material. Avu, who was walking with them, turned to John and said, “That which you call newspapers or daily global information exists no longer on the Planet Logo. This information unnecessarily whirled the minds of the people into all different directions, whether politics, economics, science, or religion. Reading such amounts of information, which are valid for just one day but not for the following period of time, took too much time, which the individual could have dedicated to their intellectual or other development. The biggest problem, however, comes with the quality of such information. If the quality is low, then such information creates a low vibration. The quality of the written words should elevate minds of those who read them. Everything in the Universe makes vibrations, whether a thought, picture, thing, or written text. According to the quality of those vibrations, the level of the individual, group, and, in fact, the whole planet is altered. And so, instead of single pieces of daily information, there are books published on Logo, which have more permanent and, more importantly, educational value.”
“How are books published on Logo?” John asked. Munu led them back to the spiral staircase, in order to go up to the next floor and back into the semi-circular screening room. “Now I shall show you how we make books on Logo,” Munu said. Pictures started to appear on the semi-circular screen, on which Munu commented.
“There are two ways of publishing books on Logo. The first consists of the projection of letters onto supple leaves of pages, made from a soft matter, onto which letters are projected. Munu touched the board in front of her and pictures of leaves with printed bright, but for John incomprehensible, letters started to appear on the semi-circular screen. “Here, on these pictures, you can see several examples of this method of printing books by projection. The basic board or page, onto which the letters are transferred, is white or yellow. The letters or symbols of letters of a text are projected onto the page. As you see, the letters are quite prominent - nearly glowing - and they are either blue, green or pink.”
Munu touched the control panel again, and small circular discs, resembling those, which John already knew from the Planet Earth with digital records of sound, appeared on the screen. Munu continued, talking about those discs. “Where writing as well as sound is recorded. So the one who wants to read inserts the disc into the device for reading and the book’s text, along with the sound of the written words, which were tinged with music, appears on the screen. If the reader tires of reading, he can switch to just the spoken word and can still discover the contents of the entire book.”
“The other way of writing books on Logo happens with the help of figures, which are the main information with short informative texts,” continued Munu. “This means that the basis for such a book is mainly placed on an audio-video disc and formed by the picture part. Such books, or discs, or rather text books, contain all kinds of information. The repeated visual and audio images can serve to quickly recall necessary information, which may have been forgotten.
John felt a bit lost in the flood of this information, so Munu tried to give him a clearer explanation. “On Logo, methods of complex understanding of the whole are taught from childhood on. Therefore, one word or one figure is enough to allow the individual to relate necessary information in his creative mind, and so understand the entirety of things in their complex substance. For that reason, the more complicated figures are detailed, and all information has its own symbol or expression. This is how it is possible to obtain a lot of information through only one image.
“I would like to hear an example of how your information system works,” John said. Munu touched the board once more and a large image full of colors appeared on the screen. This is a picture of nature, containing basic information which can be recalled and remembered after a quick inspection. The green images are linked with everything, which grows in nature, from the seed, to the time when it bears fruit. Blue and orange images resemble the creatures, which live on Logo. A yellow image informs of the chemical processes in nature and the pink, the physical processes.”
Munu now began to move the pointer around the screen on which the same colors were configured into squares or circles, which then created monochromatic configurations filled with informative symbols. Munu stopped the pointer on one of them and once again touched the control panel in front of her. Now a symbol appeared on the screen in an enlarged form, and John recognized it as a tree. Now in the picture’s form, signs of an unknown script could be seen which illustrated a tree from its beginning developing through all the types of trees and fruit that grew on Logo. Munu again touched the board and different sections of trees, as well as figures of fruit, appeared on the screen, identified as chemical and physical. She indicated the types of various fruits the energy contained therein, and finally the energy of the fruit’s chemical structures. Further projected on the screen was more fruit, emitting its energy out to the bodies of people on Logo. Munu accentuated the fact that much more data is stored on the disc, which by this method could be called up easily.
“This is a system which is taught for the whole of one’s studies to the age of 25. Students receive a complete picture of the oneness of things, and the information can later be combined,” Munu continued. “And what do the symbols written on the side mean?” John asked. “These signs,” Munu said, touching her hand to the screen on which the symbols were written, “are symbols for different images or figures. The first sign, starting on the side, represents a word known to you on Earth - nature. However, hidden in this word is the concept of the entire image of nature, which you saw before. It contains all symbols relating to nature, such as the trees, fruit trees, and other information. Therefore, our one symbol can be expressed in many pages of text for your understanding, such as you are accustomed to on Planet Earth.”
Avu jumped into the conversation, explaining that one expression may contain entire processes and huge amounts of information, while allowing for new combinations and creations to be made from the same expression. “It is just what we see on the screen, one table of text which is used on Logo. On the Planet Earth, this one meaningful page and its contents would be an entire book. So ten pages - that is, ten tablets of text on Logo - would fill several books on Earth.”
John nodded his head in understanding and Munu had a picture of a house surrounded by a garden appear on the screen for further explanation. Then she touched the board again, and on the screen further data appeared, explaining what was needed for building of such a house, from the first conception to the final touches. There was also all the data regarding the make-up of matter, along with its reactions during such construction. After that, a plan of the garden appeared, containing everything from undergrowth to shrubs. It was necessary to locate them so that the combinations of their energies were harmonically balanced. This would result in healthier foods. Everything was stored in the memory disc, and available at the touch of a finger. “It is no problem,” continued Munu, “to call up any further information or specific applications to a given diagram, which the device immediately takes into consideration and combines with the basic plans.”
“So, it is concerned with complex understanding and thinking,” said John, “which is just a matter of course for everyone on Logo. Now, I would like to see what such understanding looks like, for people on Logo.” Munu touched the board again, and on the screen the figure of a person from Logo was projected. This picture changed into groups, each having its own compartment, divided into more minute and greater detail. Four basic groups appeared on the screen, concerned with the life of people on Logo: physical, intellectual, spiritual and astral. The physical group was further divided into movement, health, illness, energy, and nutrition. These could be even further divided into more information regarding these groups. Again, a picture full of symbols was projected, to which belonged harmonics and general subjects. So, actually, each person on Logo had a considerably complex grasp of nearly everything on the planet. Munu pointed out the fact that there was not a great difference between people in intellectual thinking on Logo because the system of education is universal for the whole planet and accessible, even when one has finished one’s studies. “People at every age continue to be educated on Logo and to learn new things,” replied Munu. “Age is not a limiting factor for us. Rather than being out of bounds, or an obstacle, age is seen as merely the passing of time,” Avu finished her thought and continued. “Therefore, it is very important that textbooks and information be written and compiled by those who possess great knowledge. These wise men are skilled at accomplishing the very harmonic passing of time, which as it elevates thinking, also elevates people’s feeling.”
Munu rose and motioned for both to follow her. This time they ascended the staircase even higher, until they entered a large glass hall, full of plants and a scent. There were also large minerals everywhere and translucent stones resembling crystals. In this glassed in, open air park without a roof, surrounded by the plants or shrubs, there were armchairs, in which people sat, totally quiet and with closed eyes.
“We are now entering the hall of Intuition,” Munu explained. “There are many such rooms on our planet, whether it is one like this, or quiet places in the outdoors designated for the purpose. A person comes here to free the physical, concentrate in silence, and expand intellectual thoughts to the next level—intuition, which helps us to achieve unity and harmony. After the complete quieting of the mind, intuitive processes enter the silent subconscious, which combines the various possibilities of the recognized intellectual knowledge with unending intuition, and is joined to the everlasting source of the Wisdom of Space, that is, the Eternal Absolute Center.”
“Does that mean,” asked John, “that the thoughts of all people on Logo have reached the level of intuition?” “Quite right,” Avu entered the conversation, and continued, “On Planet Earth, people use and store information in the brain’s memory, which takes advantage of the first, and only elementary step, the intellectual. The next possibility is intuition, where one can gather totally boundless information directly from the Center of Universal Wisdom. On Logo, we use a combination of both methods, that is, intellectual thoughts together with intuition. We move quite freely between these spheres and join them together. From this method of intellectual-intuitive thoughts and perception, our entire technical and scientific development is issued. A person’s consciousness expands and comes to know the universal laws, which, with spiritual progress, open one up to divine knowledge.”
“This means,” said John, “that intuition has even more value than intellectual activity, because it empowers the understanding which is stored beyond the normal thinking process.” “Exactly,” Munu came back into the conversation. “From this also comes the choosing of a profession. Of those who are most adeptly able to control their intuition, most become scientists, inventors, healers, or spiritual masters. The best scientists are those able to join the intuitive with the universal wisdom, the Divine Center of the Universe, from which come all laws for matter, energy, time, nature, and spirit. This information is received intuitively, and after relaying it to their spiritual or scientific work and to other research, new inventions and goods, as well as books, spring up. Scientists on Logo attempt to avoid clashes with these universal laws because all work on the harmonic principal.”
“The best scientists and spiritual masters,” added Avu to the discussion, “talk about the universal way of thinking, where they understand the oneness of the whole Universe and the reason for its creation. Many of them store the information, which comes to them from the depths of the Godhead. The others then follow until they have experienced the knowledge for themselves.”
It was still early in the day when Munu took her leave of John and Avu at the stairs of the Centers of Intellectual Education and Wisdom. John bowed and sent forth vibrations of thanks and respect for the new knowledge he had received. Munu left them both with a bow and a smile, marching back up the stately wide steps to the building in which was contained a great portion of the wisdom of Planet Logo.
Avu led John to an area of the park designated for intuitive reflection. Avu wanted to join intuitively with his friend in a different place. When they came to an exquisitely designed site surrounded by trees, shrubs, flowers in rainbow colors, and resplendently flowing water, they sat in set-off armchairs with straight backs. Avu closed his eyes and sank into the quiet, so that he could unite with the one he wanted to visit. John observed him silently and after a while succumbed to the magic of the beautiful surroundings, the joy of nature pervading his heart.
Chapter Eight
Traveling around Logo
After his telepathic union with his friends, Avu considered showing John healing places, or hospitals, where it would be possible to see the healing procedures utilized on Logo. So that John could see yet more of life on Logo, Avu decided that they would use a flying machine as a means of transportation. The place where the hospital was located was quite distant because it had been built in the mountainous region of the continent. And because the place the flying machine started from was somewhat remote, Avu tried to choose the route by which John was most likely to see life on Logo.
They walked, and on the way, they stopped at a place surrounded by trees, where a few people were standing and throwing a round disc to each other. John observed the group for a while. “This is one of the most popular games on Logo,” Avu explained. “The point is not only to throw and catch the disc, but concentration plays a certain role, as well. The strength of will draws the disc to fly to the one whose will is strongest. As you know, on Logo, we utilize the practice of the strength of the spirit over matter. We talk about the combination of motion and will, the physical with the mental.”
“On Logo,” Avu continued, “we play mainly group games. There are also very popular water games played in the lakes, frequently with the help of water animals, which become part of the game. As you already know, the majority of us are able to communicate telepathically with the animals and so they participate with us in that way.”
John remembered a dog and a cat, which sometimes became part of the children’s games. He also remembered his visit to a park in Florida, where the dolphin show was the main attraction. Maybe, if the people on Earth were better at telepathic communication, there would be greater contact with some kind of animals on the Planet Earth, John thought. Although something like that meant more mental effort from the human side, it would mean that one would be able to connect with the life and creatures of nature.
“On Logo, people like playing games because some of them are designed in such a way as to promote learning as well as to strengthen intuition,” Avu explained. “I would like to show you the Center of Logic and Intuition, as game rooms are sometimes called, where people come for entertainment. At the end of this park, there is one such center. We can have a look inside there so that you can see how people on Logo spend their free time. You may be able to use something you will see later back on Earth.”
After a short while, they came to a large building, planned in a certain historic style in contrast to the modern buildings. This type of construction could be compared to a castle with round towers, semi-circular windows and separated sections, which were connected by bridges and corridors. Around the whole building sparkling blue water was flowing. “So this is the Center of Logic and Intuition,” Avu explained. “There are many such buildings on Logo, and nearly all of them are in this historic style of construction, which is taken from days of old, and whose vibrations correspond with what happens behind its walls, as you will see for yourself. People of every age come to these centers because the games played here are not limited by age. The building is divided into certain sections in which different sorts of games are placed. But now, we shall go inside so you can see how such games are played,” Avu finished his explanation.
They crossed the bridge, whose walls were encrusted with colorful minerals, and under which sparkling blue water flowed. They entered the first tower, and John began to feel as though he was in the castle at Disneyland, or in some of the historical castles of Europe. There were many people. The whole room was in shining colors, and there were symbols of harmony and balance in the walls and niches. There were symbols for day and night, water and fire, ball and prism, flatness and roundness, and many others, which represent opposites. The most interesting thing, however, was that on many of the pictures hanging on the wall, the opposite symbols were connected, one going through the other. This meant, that one spilled over into the next, or one changed, independent of its opposite, creating a whole unit. The circle changed into a cube, which, in turn, changed into a circle when its sides were removed. It reminded John of water, which could change into solid ice and could be changed through heat back to water again. The harmony of the curved shape was illustrated here, which, although curved to different degrees, fitted into each other perfectly. So, everything was composed, one changing into the next.
“This is the room of logic,” Avu explained to John. “Here, people try to create one harmonic whole from various opposites forms through their logical thinking. Logical thinking plays an important role here, where several people may try together to find the right solution, or to find the harmony and oneness between opposite poles. The idea is, to bring harmony of the two original opposite poles. To reach something like this, logical thinking is necessary, but sometimes if the mind is unable to find any possibility or combination, intuition may also help.”
From this room, they went through the connecting corridor to the hall of intellect, or the art of correct thinking. This room rather resembled an accounting center although it was equipped in such a way as to remind John of a university hall in Ancient Greece. There were small fountains, columns, niches in which, according to Avu, there were symbols of precision and regularity. There were tables around the walls, on which were machines, resembling computers, and on whose screens there were signs, which John was unable to evaluate.
“You can use many combinations on the screen, which appear immediately on your command,” Avu explained, and with John, went to one of the machines and sat down in front of its screen. Various signs appeared on the screen. “Every sign,” Avu said, “contains a lot of information, which is connected somehow with the other signs. All of the signs however are, derived from the information on one sign, which is the primary and fundamental information from which all further information from the remaining signs is deduced. The goal is to find the sign from which the others are derived as quickly as possible. This can be accomplished only by the right concentration and intellectual knowledge of possible combinations and logic. The difficulty of the game may be increased or decreased.
Then they went into the next room, which was dedicated to things technical. It was a room with large windows and pictures of various machines on the walls, some were certainly from the long ago history of Logo because even John could guess their purposes. Again this room was full of screens at which people sat according to their imaginations, changing the shape of some objects shown on the screen. Others who sat at some of the screens were conferring together, changing the parts of their pictures.
“As you know,” Avu began, “our main purpose on Logo is to minimize the friction of matter on itself because rubbing creates a resistance, causing deceleration and rapid wear. Some of these machines are quite small, such as home appliances, and others are intercontinental projectiles, used as a means of transportation. You choose the machine you want to research, and immediately, its entire technical plan and description appears on the screen. You can change anything on this technical plan, based on what you decide is suitable. If you change something so that the machine is unable to work functionally, a soft tone will sound, warning you that you made a technical mistake somewhere. On the other hand, a lot of people, including scientists, might come up with new inventions. On Logo, we attempt to produce new machines as simply as possible, because their operation is then smooth, and they are rarely damaged. The advantage of this game is that you can decide to move parts of technical equipment on the screen in complete opposition with established opinion.
John realized that such an approach supports creative thinking and artistic freedom, as well as the possibility of improving things quickly. People here were of different ages, and one could see that they were cooperating to improve what was projected on the screen. From the technical department of games, they went up the wide steps to the second floor of the building, from which there was a beautiful view of a park with myrtle-green periwinkle trees and water which flowed around the Castle of Games.
They entered a hall divided into subsections. Each section had its own sparkling and exalted color. The whole room was painted different pastel colors, gently blending into one another, and so creating a joyful atmosphere. Each section had its own niches, and a large stained-glass window. “In this room, creative games are played, each section having its own definite activity,” Avu showed John, who looked around the room. “The creative games are the most popular on Logo, because everyone can become a part of them,” Avu continued. “During these games, one tries to create something new, which is an expression of personal creativity. That is why, as you can see in one part of the room, people create sculptures, which are modeled from their imaginations. Sometimes, several people work together. The same can be said for painting, which has its own place in a bright studio with huge transparent windows. People work using their own imagination, with the advice and guidance of the leader in each department.
John turned towards the curved niche at the end of the hall where there were many adults, as well as children. “It is obvious that each generation is able to understand the other while playing games,” John remarked. “Yes,” Avu answered. “This is the most popular game played by every generation, one in which a puzzle combination, consisting of various colors, and from which different ornaments can be created according to one’s own creativity, blends colors to create harmonic paths from one to the other. This affects the psychic side of all participants pleasantly.” There are unlimited possibilities for creating images of colors and beauty, which is very popular on Logo. Children are taught about harmony and beauty from a young age. As you see, this game is played at any age. It is the same blending of shapes and colors, as with tones in music. That is why this game is so popular and is one of the games of joy. People of any age play games of joy because if joy is evoked in a person, it brings to the body a positive flowing energy, which has a positive excellent influence on the physical and mental states. This is how the positive vibrations in the mind and body are strengthened, and people feel more physically reinforced. For this reason, the games of joy are popular with everybody on Logo,” Avu finished.
At this point they walked through a corridor, which had many doors on both sides, from behind which the sound of music could be heard. They entered through one of the doors and there was a young man in the room, holding something in his hand, which resembled a flute with a funnel-shaped end. He blew into the instrument quite without effort, and melodic sounds filled the space. Avu explained briefly to the musician the purpose of their visit. John noticed the room was arranged in a historic style, with white chairs and sofas covered in red cloth, and there were beautiful decorations on the walls. There were also pictures hanging there, whose scenes were utterly reminiscent of harmony.
“These are small salons,” Avu explained, “where anybody can come and create music on an instrument we call Sono. Everyone on Logo knows how to play this instrument because musical harmony is an important part of our lives and helps us to understand the harmony of nature and of all life forms.” “Does that mean,” John asked, “that everyone on Logo can make his own melodies, and has a feeling for music?” “Yes, that is exactly right,” answered Avu, “because harmonic music like this has universal consequences. Harmonic melodies have positive blending effects on the whole body, the mind and the spirit of those who play or listen. Not to mention the spiritual elevation, as music has the ability to touch the soul directly. You surely remember the concert we heard in the park.” “The important thing is that,” Avu continued, “playing the Sono creates energy of a certain sort in the space of the vibrations which affect the physical body, mind, and soul. Playing helps to increase the influence of flowing energy, which is created during the playing of certain melodies. Some blends bring the most harmonic energy. As you can see, music is a very important part of the evolution of our lives.”
They went up the stairs to the third floor, where there were games having something to do with the mental and intuitive abilities of people. In the center of the room was a translucent pyramid, where a group of people sat at a table.
On their faces great concentration could be seen. The atmosphere of the room was very quiet and calming.
“The games played here are called games of intuition,” explained Avu. “The players try to intuitively find the answers to the questions of the others, and the answers are only found through thoughts. One of the games is about recognizing symbols drawn by another person on a board or finding the right solution to nearly indecipherable situations. These games are played in twos or threes, the players’ intuitive conveyance being the object of the game. Intuitive games are very popular on Logo, and people play them from childhood.”
John was reminded of Zen exercises, which also awaken intuition for the purpose of looking for the right answers to the questions of life. Intuition here really means leading the soul into silence, where it unites with all the wisdom possibly contained within the right solutions and answers.
The next room in the castle of games served to house the games of wisdom, as Avu called them, which contained philosophical questions and answers. One of the interesting games was a game about cause and effect, in which players come to know not only a philosophicalspiritual impact of their own exploits and thoughts, but also the whole development of the Universe. John noticed people of middle and advanced ages concentrating, using their intuition, their intellect and personal wisdom during the game.
In contrast to the last floor, where shapes and active energy in the room flowed, in this space devoted to intuitive games, John felt quiet calm, harmony, composure, and wisdom quite clearly. Around the walls were intuitive pictures and constructions of stones artistically worked. The colors in the room were, for the most part, yellow and light blue. One could see genuine wisdom on the faces of the people sitting there, and John realized that similarly radiant faces could be seen in the pictures of the spiritual masters of different religions on Planet Earth.
When they left the Center of Logic, or the castle of games, as John called the place, it was still a beautiful morning and a soft breeze moved the air. They continued quickly on. Between the buildings there were gardens laid out, and very often small blue lakes appeared. John could not stop admiring the shining clear color of the country, which emitted a lovely scent and energy to the space, and had a positive effect on the mental and physical states of the inhabitants of Planet Logo.
Avu and John walked around the buildings, and in the distance they could see a field where John noticed again some large gray birds, which resembled earthly ostriches. Avu told him that they were very intelligent animals with which the people on Logo communicated telepathically, as they did with most of the animals living on Logo. Animals, which served as pets, were kept in households. There were some other animals in the field, which resembled earthly monkeys and which Avu told John were a great help at home, as well as in agriculture. John realized that, in the countryside all around, there were beautifully colored birds.
John was wondering by this time how far it was to the place where he was to board the flying machine with Avu. Avu told him telepathically that they would be at the place very shortly. John, out of curiosity, put a question to Avu concerning the technical development on the Planet Logo. “As you already know,” Avu began to explain, “the basic endeavor of our technology on Logo consists of minimal friction, and for that reason, our machines are quite small and, efficient. The next important endeavor is the suspension of the strength of gravity, from which certain technical advances progress much more rapidly. Transportation on Logo is, by and large, above ground, with the air itself used to propel it. Sometimes gravity is suspended or increased. The movement of our transportation is unobtrusive and quiet, with no unwarranted friction. The next important technical development is direct energy which pulses around the planet.” John attempted to clear up the question. “Does that mean that people have access anywhere on the Planet Logo to this emitted energy, that it activates the apparatus which is fed on it immediately, without any technical connection?” “Yes, that is correct,” Avu answered. “All apparatuses on Logo are provided with miniature receivers for this global energy. Without this energy, the devices would not work. The use of this energy is obvious to us, like using air power for transportation and for some other large devices.”
John put a question to Avu now, which really interested him. “How does construction get done on Logo? All around here are simple, but beautiful buildings, and your universities, museums, and institutes are large buildings with very interesting architecture. It testifies to the fact that building technology must be very advanced on Logo.” Avu answered this question immediately. “We use larger machines during building, which are driven by a global energy. These devices hoist the walls of the buildings and put them into place. On Logo we know how to use systems to alleviate matter for a certain length of time. When in direct relation to the ground or the planet, we cancel the ground’s gravitational attraction, and we can move entire panels, which are otherwise very heavy. As soon as the thing is moved to its place, its original weight is once again restored. Using such methods as this, we are able to build great cathedrals or buildings, which are quite extensive.” John was reminded, by Avu’s words, of the pyramids in Egypt, during whose construction this same method of “alleviating” matter could have been utilized in order to make the job much easier. This may also have been true about the ancient stone cathedrals of past cultures.
“In everything we do, we attempt to find the simplest and most natural way,” Avu continued his explanation. “Take my clothing, for example. This cloth or material is produced from natural materials of plants and fibers grown here.” “It reminds me a little of earthly cotton,” John said. “This material,” Avu continued, “is worked to have harmonic vibrations on our bodies. That means, our garments support the harmonic flowing of energy on the surface of our body. Therefore, our clothing is very pleasant and fully fitting.” John came out with a practical question. “And what happens when a garment is soiled or worn? Do you repair and clean it as we do on Earth, or do you just select a new one?” Avu smiled at John’s spontaneous interest. “All clothing is cleaned with the help of vibrations. After the cleaning, the garments are exposed to a second set of vibrations, which loads the cloth with positive harmonic vibrations. This energy helps the body tune into its own particular energies and also to harmonize itself.”
John asked further, “How do people get food or other things for their life?” “Those with gardens around their houses,” Avu answered, “have fresh fruit and vegetables, which grow here year-round thanks to the uniformity of the weather. Those who live without this possibility get goods in large shops, or Product Centers, as these places are called.” John interrupted Avu’s speech, saying, “If money does not exist on Logo, how does shopping work, or does one barter for things?”
“I know that, for your earthly consumer outlook, my explanation may not be sufficiently clear or acceptable,” Avu continued. “However, you must keep in mind that there are millions of civilizations in the Universe, at various levels, and their ways of life correspond to their ways of thinking. So, too, the order of our life on Logo answers for our way of thinking and the prolonged development of our civilization. This is the reason that people in the Product Centers can choose what they need and take it home without having to exchange something for it. The goods are all of the best quality. On Logo everything is driven on a planetary level, which means that everything produced is the best, which is available. This is why, when someone comes up with an improved product or a new invention, the thing begins to be produced for the whole planet in its new and improved form. Developing improvements is an important part of life on Logo. On the other hand, life on Logo is very modest and has a view to ethical development rather than to the gathering of material things. Everyone has same access to the material. Therefore, they need not accumulate anything. More important is the ethical and spiritual development of the individual, where such progress has everlasting value.”
Avu pointed into the distance, where John could see something, which reminded him of an airport. It was a large round surface, on which there stood contraptions with curved forms and small entrance cupolas in the center, and with elliptical windows all around its girth. There were semi-circular waved wings on the sides. The whole of the apparatus stood on long slender legs. The closer they got, the clearer John realized the impressive size of this machine. In a long hall, built for comfortable waiting, were numerous people. Nobody, however, was handing over tickets, and there was no board listing the departure times. It felt like he was in a dream, when he saw several silver machines through the large windows, he was reminded of a lot of earthly photographs or illustrations of flying saucers. Some were large, others smaller, still others quite small. With Avu and the groups of other people, he went to one of them and together they took an elevator directly to the entrance of the cabin. The saucer had two levels and on its surface there was a pilot’s cabin, semi-circular-shaped with a glass cover. There were six wide white armchairs at each elliptical window, three opposite three. John and Avu sat across from one another next to the window, so that John could survey what was happening outside.
John noticed something, far away from them, which looked like the shape of an earthly airplane, however, it had no wings and was long and cigar-shaped with a sharp point on the front, and small round windows along the side of the hull. When he asked Avu about the point of the machine, he explained that it was called the Shot, or Arrow, which was used for traveling short distances. This projectile flew at a high speed, and then was fueled on direct or clean energy. Inertia, or moving by itself was used to propel this machine, partly suspending the ground’s gravitational attraction, and during landing it is drawn to its place using the large magnetic strength of the machine, which leads it directly to its place. This rocket is a means of transportation, which flies from one point to the next at short distances.
All the places by the elliptical windows were filled with the tall and slender figures of the Planet Logo. After a while, this round colossus, which reminded John of an observation tower on top of a skyscraper, lifted noiselessly from the surface of the ground and began to climb straight up into the air. John noticed the curious gaze of his fellow travelers directed toward him. Avu explained the reason for John’s astral visit on Logo, and his explanation was accepted with interest and respect. It occurred to John that they were still rising straight up. Avu, who caught these thoughts, requested one of the other travelers, who sat across from him, to explain to John the technical processes of flight because this person was one of the scientists on the Planet Logo.
Oru, as the scientist was named, tried to explain the technical systems involved in flying to John. “At the time of take-off,” Oru explained, “a generator cancels the effects of the pull of the planet, which helps the taking in of air, and so the pure energy propels the hovering machine up directly into the air to great heights. The rotation of the Planet Logo is also taken into account here, increasing the speed of reaching the intended spot on the surface of the planet. In the moment of the highest point of flight, the wavy wings slide out, taking the flying machine gently into the air. When it happens, at that same height, that the target on the surface of the planet draws near, the flying machine lets the ground’s attraction or gravitation once again affect it, and it lands right on the spot. In this way, it becomes possible to surmount even the greatest distances very quickly.” When Oru had finished, John realized that the unique fundamentals of flying are the undoing of the planet’s gravitation, and re-implementing it once again at the time of landing. andele-nebe.cz
After perhaps an hour of flying, the machine began to descend straight down. From the windows it was possible to make out mountains, as well as small settlements, and after some time they landed at a round stretch of an airport. When Avu and John left the airport hall, they could see the scenery of hills and mountains. Avu pointed to one peak, from which a large white building arose. “That is the target of our journey,” Avu said, and the two set off to overcome the short distance by their own powers.
Chapter Nine
Healing on Logo
John looked all around the area they were now in, which was very beautiful. In the valley below the white building, there was a small lake. Avu communicated to him that bathing is being very healing, as water is full of energies, which allow the body to quickly recover from fatigue. The same is true about rain, which invigorates nature with its energies. This is why swimming is appreciated as a form of healing, and why most lakes are in the environs of hospitals or sanitariums. Avu pointed out the healing importance of air, as well. “The composition of air is important for all beings because its composition and purity influence not only physical health, but also the minds of people. Air also has a great influence on balanced behavior, and for that reason, there exists on Logo a global protection of air. Another part of the daily routine of Logo inhabitants is breathing exercises, whose make-up distributes energies to the body, which are used for intellectual as well as physical labor. These exercises are done first thing in the morning, and any time one feels tired or needs a rest.” Avu added that the natural surroundings of the Center of Energy, as sanitariums or hospitals are called on Logo, are the basis for the healing component of these centers.
They were standing now before a large oblong white building, around which, were other smaller buildings. It was interesting for John, that these buildings had no edges. Their walls were joined together with semi-circles, and the roofs had cupola shapes. Just a few separated buildings were built in the shape of a pyramid. Other buildings were completely round, one part of the roof being semi-circular and the other part built in a pyramid shape. There were paths running between the buildings, lined with shrubs, with beautifully colored flowers giving off an intoxicating fragrance. Avu remarked that the fragrance also played its role in the acquiring of energy, and so these shrubs are an integral part of this Center of Energy. When they came in front of the large white building, there were two people already waiting there, a man and a woman dressed in yellow garb. It was clear from their conduct that both were good friends of Avu, whom they welcomed joyfully and who obviously returned their joy. The figures of both were again tall and slender; the man had light hair, however, and the woman dark. John bowed before them, and Avu introduced the healers as Limu and Muti, whom he had known for a long time and who would be his guides to the Center of Energy.
As they entered the building, John noticed that the entrance lacked the traditional round columns he had seen everywhere else. The interior of the building was quite distinct from those he had become used to on his visits. The hall into which they had entered was vibrating with energy that was very pleasant, and John felt suddenly very fortified and invigorated. Mutu motioned for Avu and John to follow him, and in a short time, they entered a round light room, where there were large armchairs and once again a large oblong screen placed on the wall. Mutu invited them all to sit down.
“I would like to greet the representative from another planet,” Mutu began almost ceremoniously and continued. “Healing is a great science following certain laws, because it is a question of bringing one who is ill back in tune with the harmony of nature and the universal laws. I believe that on the Planet Earth you also have healing experiences, which correspond to your understanding of harmony and oneness. However, I would now like to ask Limu to say something about the fundamentals of the healing process on Logo.”
Limu, who was sitting in the armchair opposite John, began to speak. “The healing profession on Logo is rather like a calling, in that someone who has the knowledge of healing needs to have, above all, the gift of healing. The most important prerequisite needed to become a healer is the innate gifts of intuition, diagnosis, compassion, and the gift of seeing the astral body or energy body in each person in which the primary process of changing energy first occurs. In this way, the healers intuitively see the stream of energies in the patient’s body and attempt, in times of illness, to eliminate any obstructions to a smooth course of treatment.
The main cause of sickness in the inhabitants of the Planet Logo is the cessation or reduction in the astral energy wrapping, which is afterward transmitted to the physical body.” John was reminded of Chinese healing techniques, such as acupuncture, exercise, and the proper diet, which harmonize the flow of the energy of the chi, as the Chinese call it, into the body.
“The diseases of the inhabitants of Logo,” Limu continued, “are of a mental rather than physical make-up. The fundamental endeavor is not only to treat the disease, but to convey even more energy to the area surrounding the place where the physical illness originates. This prevents the spread of disease. This also applies to diseases, which have a tendency to spread further throughout the body. So, the intensification in the energy of the whole body encourages the healing process more rapidly. The source of this energy is a good diet containing the most energy, breathing energized air, and then spending time in an environment, which emits energy to the material body. So, you can see that our Center of Energy, along with others like it, is surrounded by the fragrance of flowers or shrubs because the fragrance helps one to receive energies. Furthermore, as you have certainly noticed, the walls of our center are covered with minerals, which emit positive vibrations. Some rooms have only a certain type of mineral whose vibrations treat related illnesses and so send a stream of energy throughout the astral body. Harmonic physical movement is also important for the sick, whereby certain physical exercises take energy from the air, and if one exercises out in the open, from the atmosphere of the whole planet. It will be helpful if we go see how the healers in the Center of Energy work, and also become acquainted with the healing methods on Logo.” Limu rose and led the whole group out of the buildings.
After a bit, they came to a small place surrounded by shrubs, flowers, and also large mineral stones. There were people moving about in this place, doing slow harmonic exercises. Mutu explained that during the smooth movements, the body takes energy from the air and from the environment. “The body learns not only this form of exercise, but also allows the opening of the astral energy centers in a person’s body so the astral energy can fully flow into these centers. This exercise is a component of the healing process of all physical disease,” Muti finished her account. John observed the harmonic waving bodies of the patients with interest, and once again the Chinese Tai-Chi exercises came to mind, which he knew and which were very similar to the exercises the patients here were doing. Avu caught these thoughts and requested that he show the others the exercises. John was glad to be able to contribute to the exchange of knowledge and information, and performed of the Tai-Chi form, which was quite appreciatively received. Muti noted that the same laws of energy, which exist all over the Universe, are necessary to partake of, and that those who call them Tai-Chi know the laws of nature very well.
They strolled about the park, whose natural beauty and energy, John clearly recognized. During the walk, Limu talked again, explaining the healing knowledge on Logo. “All illnesses on Logo have a bad flow of energy as their basis and move away from the right harmonic direction. If the energy begins to be absent in some places, then people start to exercise more, change their diet to facilitate change, and renew the period of quiet and sleep. If we are not able to break the barrier, then it might spread, and then people have to go for a cure at the Center of Energy. The healers here use their personal methods to send energies into the body of the sick so that their gift emits the healing vibrations, breaking their way into the astral form of the patient, removing in the astral region that which has an impact on the physical body, which is also healed.
“And what happens,” John asked, “if no healer can relieve the blocked energy? On the Planet Earth, difficult cases are sometimes solved by an operation, which tampers with the physical body. It is somehow repaired and then works normally once again.” Muti joined the conversation and explained. “On the Planet Logo, tampering with, or operating upon the physical body is done only very rarely. Sometimes it is not possible to operate and the person dies. Death here is rather seen as transformation to a new life, with greater possibilities for spiritual growth. In general, we talk about removing obstacles which bar the harmonic flow of energy. Operating is mostly done by the beam of light, with the instrument directing its attention on the obstacle within an organism. Sometimes, we use the vibrations of sound, when the obstacle is slowly dissolved and released. After repeated light or sound vibration treatments, the obstacle usually does dissolve. It is necessary to realize here that the bodies of the inhabitants of the Planet Logo are likely more delicate on the physical side than the bodies of inhabitants of the Planet Earth.”
Avu entered the conversation saying, “The existence of physical illness here is relatively rare. Mostly illnesses on Logo originate from excessive thinking, or exclusive use of the intellect, without combining it with intuition. The decisions of the patient dare based utterly on intellectual thought, without intuitive perspectives, thereby losing more energy than normal. After they enter the peace of the healing process, they concentrate on the silence, switch off thoughts, and meditate on the Spiritual Center of the Universe.”
For John, this kind of approach was quite new and slightly shocking. He imagined that the basis of civilization and progress on the Planet Earth was founded on thinking and the greatest intellectual knowledge. “Other illness,” Limu added to the discussion, “consists of the inability to concentrate because concentration is an important prerequisite to meditation, which leads us to unity with the Divine Center of the Universe. Such patients go for some time to a sanitarium of quiet, where they are totally silent, listening to music and positive calming vibrations, which help them to calm their mind and to re-acquire the ability to concentrate. Part of the healing is also singing syllables and words, which has a quieting vibrating influence. Patients also recite texts that help them to become part of what they recite, and so begin to re-concentrate only on one thing.”
“If I understand well,” John said, “your medicine or cures are based on methods of the complex healing of all the functions of a person, so that the physical, mental, astral, and spiritual all work together. We can talk here about the complex treatment of the person. The most important ability of the healer is to distinguish the flow of energy in a person’s astral energy body.”
“You are quite right,” Muti said, “healing is sometimes very individual, according to how the healer arranges medicine, together with the help of intuition. It is important to say that medicine on Logo is manufactured only from that which nature has to offer. Consequently, this means flowers, plants, and certain bushes. In addition, prepared medications are administered in rooms in which many minerals have been placed, whose vibrations became part of the medicine as well. In this way, the medicine intensifies its healing powers. There are also medications that help to intensify the level of energy in the body. The preparation of such medicine, however, follows a longer process. To it are added the energy vibrations of minerals, air, and water. During their administration, the energy is increased in the body and can cure the place obstructing its harmonic stream.”
During the walk through the beautiful natural park, they met patients of various ages, and suddenly before them appeared a large white building, whose roof was of an elongated pointed form, which ended in the shape of a pyramid. On either side of the entrance, there were two columns and around the whole building stood large myrtle-green trees. The building had a number of large windows on each of its sides.
Limu pointed to the building and communicated to John that, this was the temple of spiritual energy or soul energy. The spiritual energy is very concentrated in consideration of the vibrations of silence and respect. “This spiritual or soul energy is sometimes also called the cosmic energy of the Divine Center of the Universe. As you certainly know, spiritual life supports the flow of spiritual energy between the soul and the Divine Center. This spiritual energy is much gentler, but also stronger, than the energy received from medications or from physical exercise. Therefore, a visit to the temple, many times, results in complete recovery or a big improvement in health, especially if, people are open to these energies. In a place where there is a truly great flood of spiritual energy to a person’s soul, a sudden repeated flow of life energy attends to all parts of the physical body. There are miraculous recoveries, which may be permanent, but which are also sometimes only passing.”
John slipped into the conversation, calling for an explanation as to why some recoveries were temporary. Limu answered him with these words. “Following a recovery effected in the manner of the individual’s state, spiritual openness recedes, and the spiritual energy stops being knowingly received as a result of the individually being filled with worldly concerns and neglect of the spiritual life. In order to receive the universal spiritual energy, it is necessary that the soul, thoughts, and body be concentrated in the same direction. This is easily facilitated in the temple, but is more difficult in daily life. For that reason, people on Logo begin their day with a visit to the temple, or they go to their own chapel at home, known as the room of spiritual energy, where for a certain time, they open their souls to the spiritual energies of the Divine Center of the Universe and are united with it. If this relation is interrupted for too long, one might have to go to the hospital because a person begins to lose his spiritual flood of energy. After an illness, people spend extended lengths of time in the temple, in order to be able to be in silence and in union with the spiritual energies.”
“Here you can see how important the spiritual life of the individual is,” Avu entered the conversation. “Spiritual exercises and meditation on the Absolute Eternal Light are the principles given to us from childhood. The spirituality of the individual maintains the entirety of the Planet Logo on a high level of consciousness. But let us now go to look at the inside of the temple and allow its vibrations to do their work on us.” After these words, they all entered the temple’s nave. Immediately upon entering, John felt the quite peculiar atmosphere of gentle vibrations, which worked very pleasantly on his astral body. People sat in total silence in pale-blue, straight-backed chairs. Very soft tones of spherical music sounded in the temple. There was neither painting nor statue here. At the far end of the temple’s nave with its pyramidal-shaped ceiling, a gentle light shone, somehow spreading its rays throughout the temple. In the vaults minerals were embedded, emitting their vibrations throughout the space. The spherical music filled the place with its universal vibrations and a feeling of magnificent quiet and expanse, so that John felt as though he were in the middle of Space and had become part of its silent stateliness.
When they sat down, John slowly realized the quiet and peace. He felt that the minds of those present, and that of the whole temple, were immersed in the vibrations of the joyful silence. The natural world surrounding the place could be seen through the large windows. Slowly, John began to concentrate on the flood of light from a single ray coming from the points of the pyramidal ceiling and spreading conically over the whole temple. It appeared that this light bathed everyone present in its softness. It was an incredible feeling of universal unity with the whole of the planet and the Universe. The longer John sat quietly, the more he realized how the light, which was quite without any attributes, was universal, and it helped him to open his soul from inside to the whole of the Universe. It was a joyful opening, quite free from any theories, doctrines, or words. It occurred to John how full his soul was and he slowly began to spread himself out to the unbelievable expanse whose light became at one with the light of the Divine Center, becoming part of it.
John experienced an incredible feeling of universal unity with all of the planet, with all of its beings, with all of Creation. There was nothing that was not a part of this universal Light. There was not a point in Space, which was not occupied with at least a spark of the light of the Divine Center. During the union with the universal point of this light, John’s soul, in his spiritual consciousness, also became a part of all these sparks, part of the whole Light. His consciousness expanded into eternity and was a part of everything, however, after some time this consciousness became part of the Center of Light, and rested in total silence, filled with the cosmic consciousness.
When John returned to the perception of the realm of consciousness around him, he still felt the pleasant vibrations of the light rays and the whole temple. Next to him sat only Avu, who slowly rose and left the temple. After a moment, John followed him. In order to keep the pure atmosphere in the temple, Avu communicated with him outside. People don’t use telepathic communication in the temple, so that no vibration of thought will infringe on the spiritual atmosphere of the temple.
Avu let John know that Muti and Limu were waiting for them in the large building because they had to go and arrange something. “I know what you have experienced,” Avu said, before John had spoken a single word, “and so you understand, at least, why on Logo such emphasis is put on spiritual concentration. The vibrations of the Divine Center of the Universe are the foundation for all of Creation, and for that reason, it is necessary to try to make contact with it spiritually. There is no other way to understand the course of the Universe and the laws driving it.”
Avu communicated to John that he wanted to show him the natural temple situated on the grounds of the Center of Energy. They turned off onto a narrow path again lined with beautiful flowers and shrubs. After a while, they came to a large area, which really resembled a temple, created in nature. Trees formed a kind of semi-circular alley, at the end of which was a white cliff over which a waterfall of shining blue water flowed into a small lake. On the path grew a sort of white moss, contrasting with the variously colored flowers, which grew in great numbers here. An incredible scent permeated the entire area, in itself lifting the mind and soul. Around the lake grew plants whose blooms were especially large and shone in a rainbow of colors. Throughout the whole area there were natural seats with straight backs, in which people were sitting. Exotic birds of all colors were singing in the trees. John noticed that some people were sitting with their eyes closed, others were concentrating on the beauty of the lake and its flowers, others were listening to the gentle noise of the waterfall. The atmosphere of this natural temple was due to their calmness, concentration and, most importantly, to deep meditation. A sort of unity between the spirit of nature and the souls of people was present here. Avu and John stayed standing a while in the complete calm in order to experience the feeling of natural piety, and afterwards slowly turned back towards the large building, where Mutu and Limu awaited them.
This time, Avu led John to the second floor of the building where there was a large windowed room with a view of the whole park. Muti and Limu were already sitting here. When everyone had been seated, John spoke with acknowledgment about the Center of Energy, as well as about the natural temple, which he liked very much. John, however, wanted to get more information regarding the experience of healers and, moreover, of illnesses that existed on the Planet Earth. And so he asked if the others would explain the source of some diseases, which people on the Planet Earth had to withstand. Although he knew that healers from Logo would not be able to offer exact information, still he wanted to be familiar with at least their universal opinions. Avu, in order to better explain the conditions of life on the Planet Earth, said a few words in introduction. Then, Muti added to the explanation.
“It seems to me that the source of most disease in the human body on Planet Earth is the obstruction of the flow of life energy, which is also connected to not receiving enough spiritual energy. Further, there are also illnesses of your technical civilization, whereby the individual is removed from the spiritual, and so openness to spiritual energies is lost. An excessive interest in matter and things material brings disease to a civilization. It is also worth mentioning that the patient should have an active cooperation in his healing. There are certain natural and harmonic principles, which are necessary for healing to occur.”
“What I would really like,” John interrupted Muti’s speech with enthusiastic interest, “is for you to tell me about these principles. Some might be already in practice.” Muti thought for a moment and said, “The first principle would be that, during the whole period of healing, the patient should have a peaceful mind without any fear or nervousness. The second principle would be regular prayer and effort towards utterly thought-free meditation, in which a person’s soul opens to the flood of the divine spiritual flow. The third principle is that the sick person should try himself to effect the conscious flow of life energy in the body and through it help the consciousness towards recovery. The fourth is easy and unhurried movement of the body to help the energies enter the body and the harmonics to flow through it. The fifth and very important principle is the positive attitude to healing, maintaining a joyful mind, as well as belief in recovery. This is the reason healing need not be painful. Negative, pessimistic and depressed thoughts, you see, obstruct the flow of energy in a person’s body. The sixth principle is that a person has mineral stones around him, which in case of illness, help harmonize and amplify a flood of energy into the body. These, I think, are the six basic principles necessary for long-lasting healing,” Muti finished her illuminating account.
John, however, wanted to know even more, and so turned to Limu with a request for further explanation and his own opinion. “I think,” Limu began speaking, “that maintaining the six principles, which Muti just spoke about, is very important. Because people on Logo follow these principles, they recover rapidly and their illnesses are very short-lived. It is also true that disease on Logo is received positively, because we know it is a lesson testing us, and during illness we are, for the most part, helped to advance further in our personal development. Another important part of the healing process is, however, deep sleep, during which people living in physical bodies, such as on Planet Earth or also on Logo, are relaxed and open to the receiving of universal energy. That is why rest and relaxation are important parts of the healing of the physical form.”
“Yes,” John entered the conversation, “rest is also an important part of healing on the Planet Earth.”
“A second kind of treatment,” Limu continued, “is healing with music, sound, and singing. Harmonic music, in which harmonic tones blend in with the very simplest and most natural harmonies, create vibrations, which facilitate the inception and harmonizing of energy in the body and mind. Music, however, may give energies not only to the body, but also to the soul because harmony is a universal law of the Universe. We are talking about beautiful natural singing or sounds. Singing or beautiful sound has healing properties and substantial reverberations of the rays of the Divine Light in all of us. Sound is naturally projected in forms of nature, which contain natural beauty. So, music and singing are important medications for the treating of disease, because the harmony of music and sound carries harmonies, and calm to the mind, and transmit their optimism and joy to the progress of the physical body.”
John now wanted to penetrate even further into healing on Logo and asked quite directly. “Would healers on Logo be able to cure diseases on Planet Earth, such as heart disease or cancer?” Muti explained that it would be necessary for him to intuitively state which diseases John had on his mind and which were unknown to him. After a short while, he answered.
“Our ancient ancestors had similar illnesses, where their bodies were more materially substantial, and where their vibrations were more connected with the material side than the spiritual. Heart disease is a disease of civilization. Peace and quiet meditation, which calm physical progress, are missing here. The same can be said about cancer, which is mostly a malady of civilization. Similar illnesses are caused by too little harmony and spirituality in life. In the case of cancer and other sicknesses, it is necessary to heal the whole body and to strengthen it from all sides. It does not work to concentrate only on the affected area. It is necessary, as we have already said, to reinforce energies throughout the whole body. If there were more direct connection with the spiritual energies of the Divine Center, then there would be fewer illnesses in your civilization. Too great a dependence on the connection to matter brings about some diseases, which last so long that the consciousness of the individual is unable to advance any higher.
John listened quietly and slowly realized that, next to medications it also would help to have an open mind and heart during any healing process. He also understood how important it is that spiritual development always be a step ahead of material development, so that the spiritual and ethical laws can guide individuals as well as all of humankind.
Avu thanked Limu and Muti for showing them the Center of Energy and allowing them to spend some time in the local healing temple. After a short while, John and Avu were outside, where the pink atmosphere of the planet was awash in the noonday rays of the sun. Avu proposed a short rest before the next trip, which would take them do a place John already knew very well. Avu wanted John to get to know the Temple of Wisdom, where there would be a spiritual gathering. Such gatherings took place all over the planet, with nearly everybody taking part in these regular services. And so their journey now led them once again across the continent to the Temple of Wisdom. himmels-engel.de
Chapter Ten
A Visit to the Temple of Spiritual Wisdom and the Park of Spiritual Teachings
John and Avu walked down the tree-lined lane, at the end of which stood a white and pale blue building. From far away it was possible to see the wide steps with their stately columns. The entire building was placed on a raised area and surrounded by a park of trees, shrubs and flowers. As they drew nearer, John noticed the shape of the temple building. On the side there were two cupolas and in the center a long roof in the shape of a pyramid. It was placed at the end of the temple and shaped into a higher separate pyramid, its points lengthening the roof of the temple’s nave. Avu noted that the pyramid-shaped roof had its own purpose because it allowed for a better concentration of spiritual energy, which helped those who came and concentrate to open themselves spiritually. “The place where the temple roof goes to the higher pyramid shape with the sharp spires,” noted Avu, “is an especially focused place under which a spiritual master stands, allowing easier connection with the cosmic spiritual vibrations.” Avu pointed to a small arbor, standing alongside the path, which afforded a good view of the temple building. When both had sat down, Avu introduced his interplanetary friend to some principles related to religion on the Planet Logo.
“On Logo, we instruct the inner spiritual experience of the spiritual laws of the Universe and, consequently, the Divine Center. It is necessary to comprehend that these spiritual laws are universal and that included in that knowledge is enlightenment, or an openness of the higher spiritual lotus and leads to the uniting of the soul with the Wisdom of the Universe, also known as the Divine Center.” Avu finished his explanation.
John interrupted Avu with a question. “Do the people on Logo follow any particular teachings or commentaries to reach this high spiritual universal step towards understanding?” Avu thought for a little while and then answered. “There are no dogmas or teachings in the religious approach, on Logo. Knowledge of things spiritual on Logo comes for each person from one’s own direct experience of the universal laws of the Divine Center, which the soul recognizes. After this, it is important to follow these spiritual cosmic laws. People on Logo know that thoughts or actions which go against these universal spiritual laws, later returns negatively to the individual. For that reason, everybody on Logo begins their day with spiritual exercises and silent meditation. The soul, joining with the Divine Center of the Universe in quiet, leads to one’s own spiritual knowledge of cosmic consciousness. Maybe on Planet Earth people still need to follow some teachings, before later maturing to a universal consciousness,” Avu finished his commentary.
“I would be glad,” John said, “if you could tell me more about this cosmic consciousness, or spiritual teaching. I know that you know the basis of thinking in religion on the Planet Earth, so I would like to know if there are principal differences in the understanding and progress in spiritual teachings or consciousness on the Planet Earth and on Logo.”
“The differences in the understanding of God,” Avu began to explain, “between these two planets exist, although some spiritual masters on the Planet Earth have achieved universal spiritual consciousness. On the Planet Earth, we talk about religious teachings, which consist of elements of universal spirituality. They also have certain limitations, which people themselves give to religion. This means that God was created from human notions on the Planet Earth, and so was given attributes sometimes ascribed to humans, which, in fact, limits the genuine universal God.
On Logo we turn directly towards this universal aspect of the Godhead, or the Divine Center of the Universe. Consequently, we talk about one’s own spiritual experience of the vibrations of the universal Divine Center, which is and stays unchanged for all of time. We do not learn religion on Logo, but our soul itself experiences it. One’s own spiritual experience is anchored in the knowledge of the universal laws. It is this principle on which the principles for reaching a cosmic or unlimited consciousness is built.” John listened attentively to Avu’s words because he now felt he was receiving knowledge of an utterly different understanding of religion, or rather spirituality, than that which he knew from the Planet Earth. It was quite a different approach, which explained the understanding and spiritual level of the people on the Planet Logo. John also realized that religion is about development and has many levels, which are necessary to experience.
“The principles of cosmic consciousness,” Avu continued, “are valid throughout the Universe. It is understood that there is only one God, or better said, one Divine Center of the Universe from which all the spiritual laws come forth and which each soul, and not the intellect, must recognize for herself. As you know, the intellect has its limitations. The realization of these principles brings the dissolution of the ego in whose place comes the universal consciousness of spiritual wisdom, respect, and love. With this comes an understanding of the universal spiritual laws. The end of the long development of the soul comes at the point when the soul comes to the understanding that the Divine Center of the Universe presides over all forms and is the origin of all forms. Fusion with It means to be part of the absolute Universal Unity, which you call God. At this moment, the soul’s light is integrated with the light of the Divine Center of the Universe.”
When Avu finished his account of the spiritual outlook on the Planet Logo, John realized that such spiritual understanding needed neither words nor teachings nor theological attributes. This approach was really about the unity of two lights, which are of the same substance. John realized that it was, in fact, the universal spiritual coalescence of the drops of spiritual substance of the soul in the ocean of the Godhead. In this dissolution, all differences, all attributes crumble, and what is left is the pure consciousness of the universal unity of all Creation, the oneness of the whole cosmos, issuing from one point, the Divine Center of the Universe.
Avu nodded to John and the two continued on the path towards the temple, to which many other people of various ages had already been directed. On the way, John smelled the same scent diffused all around him, and saw large mineral stones, which were placed around the path and the Temple of Wisdom. The closer they came to the temple, the clearer John could see the blending of colors. White walls in the color scheme contrasted with the pale blue cupolas with their gilt pointed spires and golden pyramid on top of the temple. They ascended the wide steps leading to the large pale blue doors with gold symbols. Avu notified John that he would try to explain some things to him. This was exceptional because no communication of any kind was to be used inside the temple, including telepathic.
When Avu and John walked through the large doors, they entered a hall where many people stood quietly. Around the walls there were elongated marble planters filled with flowers beds. On the walls, large mineral stones had been placed. A number of large crystals were hanging from the ceiling, shaped like pyramids, the points of the spires below. It was totally silent, which intensified the spiritual vibrations of this place. Avu explained briefly to John that there was an atmosphere present in this temple ante-room to help people with the purification from physical vibrations to focus on the spiritual and on inner peace, so that they could be receptive to the spiritual energy in the temple. After a while they moved into the main temple hall. The longer they stood in the temple hall, the more John recognized the beneficial influence of this environment, which elevated him spiritually, until he felt a great energy. His soul was somehow lifted to a state of higher perception and understanding. He was also inundated with vibrations of love and respect. After some time, they moved into the large temple hall, which was high and wide. Its walls were a glittering white and the day’s light made its way here through the long large windows placed in the lower sections of the walls. There stood a golden pyramid-shaped column, along whose sides white crystals were hanging. There were white chairs with straight backs placed in long rows, at the end of which was a pyramid-shaped crystal. Utter silence resounded through the temple. Later started a sound of high tones, whose vibrations filled John with feelings of harmony and incredible spiritual openness. Except for these tones of music, total silence ruled in the temple and those who were sitting in the chairs were completely concentrated and looking in the direction of the golden pyramid’s points at the end of the temple. From this center a gentle light was shining, which spread throughout the whole area. John was reminded of the Center of Energy, where the same stream of light led him to a deep spiritual experience. The whole atmosphere of the temple vibrated with harmony and peace. Avu and John sat next to one another, in the white chairs, and concentrated on the stream of light coming from the points of the golden pyramid.
Long tones of music began to change in harmonic chords, which were played in several octaves at once and sounded for a long time. One chord blended into another and this music created an atmosphere of harmony and unison, which John felt aided the soul in elevating herself. The music played a while longer, and John also realized, that a scent had begun to disperse throughout the temple, affecting everything in a very uplifting way. The people sat in the silent space and followed the stream of light, which spread throughout the temple. The music slowly began to weaken, but at the same time, it never really stopped. After a short while, three spiritual masters came, a man and two women. They were dressed in pure white vesture and sat on a white chairs, directly below the golden points of the pyramid. It was clear to see on the faces of these three spiritual masters their silent concentration.
In a while, the spiritual master stood and slowly lifted his hands, which emitted a strong vibrating radiance. This radiance somehow made it easier for each individual to receive the spiritual energies and to open themselves spiritually. After emitting these vibrations, the master lowered his hands and began to speak telepathically to those present. His words were in rather short sentences in which he communicated the spiritual laws of the Universe. He communicated wisdom, which streamed to them through his connection with the Divine Center.
After this telepathic speech, the spiritual master again lifted his arms and one could feel the vibrations, which were delivered through his hands. The whole temple was powerfully filled with spiritual vibrations, which were intensified by the pyramid-shaped ceiling. The atmosphere remained augmented by the music and gentle scent. John sat quite immersed in the inner silence and felt his soul somehow rising to a higher sphere, wanting to join with the light, which shone throughout the whole temple and was a symbol of the Light of God. The vibrations emitted by the three spiritual masters permeated the entire temple. John felt the incredible light, yet strongly elevated power of the atmosphere; his spirit was freed and entered a sphere of spiritual calm and knowledge and he rested in this state for some time. The entire temple somehow became one powerful spiritual vibration. It was the ultimate experience of the conscious existence of the Divine Center, which filled the souls of all present.
After some time, all three spiritual masters sat, and John began to hear the gentle music with its increased volume and gently supporting vibrations, which had been created by the spiritual masters. The people continued to sit quietly in their places. After some time, the masters rose and slowly left. Those present began to stand as well, leaving in silence. Before Avu and John left, they stopped in the chapel with the round cupola where some people continued to meditate. Avu and John left the temple and descended the steps into the park.
Avu informed John that he had arranged a meeting with the spiritual masters who would be waiting for them behind the temple. When they set off in that direction, John asked Avu what the conditions were to become a spiritual master. “As you know,” Avu answered, “every occupation here is a mission. A person is called to be a spiritual master if he or she devotes him or herself to spiritual activities, or reaches a high spiritual level. Only a person who is concerned with things spiritual has the ability to be an agent of the vibrations of the Divine Center. Not everyone is able to elevate the spiritual consciousness of others, such as you experienced during today’s service in the temple. The spiritual master is not here to promote the intellectual side of people; his task rather is to facilitate higher spiritual vibrations for others to be able to live through the spiritual experience. After receiving these spiritual vibrations, people are lifted to higher states of consciousness. It is, in fact, the basis of our worship services, whereby the consciousness of all present is elevated during the service, and they can then take these experiences back to their own personal spiritual exercises and meditation. The spiritual master is called for life and should be able to unite with the Divine Center and to pass on the vibrations of the pure Godhead to others.”
At that moment spiritual masters Ramu, Ani, and Oro were coming towards them, and Avu went to meet them halfway. Everyone bowed to one another, and it was clear that Avu was welcome here. Avu indicated John, introduced him, and the three clearly accepted him with kindness. Ramu, whose age John guessed to be around 70 or 80 years, motioned to them and they all turned towards the park behind the temple, where they went down a short tree-lined lane to a garden full of blooming bushes and flowers. Ramu led them to a small arbor, where there was a seat for each and where they sat comfortably.
John thanked them for the opportunity to be a part of a daily worship service designed to allow those present to have spiritual experiences. “Yes,” Ramu answered. “That is the foundation of our teachings. The spiritual experience is actually the most important for understanding the universal Godhead. However, sometimes it happens that during the worship service, angelic beings come from a higher sphere and convey high knowledge to us, or they let us have a peek at the angelic world, which is on a higher spiritual level than we are. The reason for this is that on such a higher level the physical has already changed over into the spiritual, and this is where the most mature souls from Logo will go after death. These beings appear to us in their radiant auras, and their spiritual vibrations fill the whole temple. The wisdom of the Divine Center is contained in these vibrations, as well as everlasting love, which changes itself into a great joy, experienced by all those present. Such an experience is a great reassurance of one’s own spiritual path and leads to the improved understanding of the existence of the Divine Center of the Universe. The angelic beings are able to take on a physical form, which is, however, in comparison to ours, very light and full of vibrations of universal love. These heavenly beings may also appear outside the temple during large spiritual ceremonies or festivals, helping us all to be uplifted. The spiritual planetary festivals on Logo are very important because they encourage the raising and intensifying of the spiritual vibrations on the whole planet, helping all people to ascend spiritually to higher levels of consciousness, and on to rapid spiritual development.”
John listened to Ramu with great interest and realized that different variations of levels of life might exist in the deepness of Space of the Universe. Avu noticed his interest and the flow of his thoughts and grasped how great the changes going on in John’s thoughts were, as well as in his consciousness.
John was somehow urged on by a particular longing to learn as much as he could from his visit to the Planet Logo, and he requested that the spiritual masters explain more precisely how people on Logo come to the ends of their lives, and also something more about reincarnation. Adding to the conversation was Ani, who as a spiritual master directed the spiritual development of Planet Logo. Ani began her answer to John’s question like this: “The majority of people on Logo die when they come to the end of their life energy. Only a few die from reasons of illness or accident, which is seen as a fall in their karma. People are educated as to how life after death looks, that is, the passage to the astral world, where they can gain new knowledge and spiritual growth. The departure of the deceased is a spiritual experience on Logo, and in the temple a certain amount of time is devoted to the extending of positive vibrations to the soul of the dead in order to spiritually reinforce them on their journey to the after world. Consequently, death is understood as the arrival of transformed energy from matter to spiritual. Life continues then on a different level of being. In the astral world, the soul unites with higher beings, and may learn from them, advancing one’s spiritual development and state of consciousness forward in great steps. Spiritual development goes forward rapidly in the astral world. There is also a great possibility of acquiring knowledge and time for uninterrupted contemplation. For that reason, it is very important for the soul, during its physical life, to prepare itself spiritually. Those, who are, however, too connected to the physical world and whose thoughts take matter and material things for the only reality, are without much interest in the spiritual. They have to learn to reach balanced harmony between the spiritual and intellectual knowledge.” Ani finished with these words, which were a very important explanation for John.
“Does that mean,” John continued his questioning, “that the most important thing in the development of the soul is the union of the consciousness with the Divine Center of the Universe?” Now, Oro, answered his question. “You are quite right.” Oro said, “It is a spiritual law determining that the light of every soul sent forth, in order to experience life in a physical body, eventually becomes consciously part of the Divine Light once again, from which it came forth. Such a path of light is sent forth into space to the conscious providence, and returns again from whence it came. During its journey, the light is enveloped by a wrapping of matter and influenced, or sometimes even obscured, by the intellect and the ego. Only when harmonic composure comes between intellect and intuition, can one be helped to reach higher stages of development and knowledge. However, it is up to every individual’s light to surpass the veil of material deception, and reach the conscious basis of one’s existence, which comes from the spiritual form of the Divine Center of the Universe.”
“Can it be said, then,” John observed, “that the ethical and moral thinking of the inhabitants of the Planet Logo come from this spiritual understanding and consciousness?” Ramu answered now, saying, “You are quite right. Our ethical and moral teachings are built on spiritual principles and laws because the very substance of Space is spiritual, and if we want to live in harmony, then it is necessary to follow the universal laws, which are reflected in all of life. As long as any given civilization is not established in the ethical and spiritual laws, its development will take a very long time. In the correct approach, respect is projected to all life forms, and the understanding that all forms, at whatever level they may be, have to walk their path of development.
“It is necessary to understand that the purer, more harmonious, sensitive and ethical the thoughts of the inhabitants of a planet are, the more positive vibrations will be able to help in the development of all the life forms of everlasting nature, which will lead to a feeling of planetary harmony. It follows from this that the basic motivation of the deeds of Planet Logo inhabitants is service to others and to the whole civilization. All on Logo have respect for everyone else and for everything. It is this principle of consciousness of planetary membership and planetary citizenship, as well as respect for everything, which makes up our civilization. Its constant modification ensures that it becomes wiser and more harmonious. Hopefully, this brief explanation of our teachings and ethical understanding will help you.”
When Ramu finished his answer to John’s question, it was clear to John that every civilization needs its own development to be able to mature to a state of universal consciousness, such as on Logo, or to an eventual higher consciousness.
Avu interrupted John’s contemplation, proposing to show John a place called the Park of Spiritual Teachings in which can be found much of the spiritual knowledge of the Planet Logo. The others agreed with Avu’s suggestion, and all went together to the place where the Park of Spiritual Teachings was located. In order to get there as quickly as possible, it was necessary to cover a certain distance, so they agreed to use levitation. They lifted themselves and flew through the air, letting the green countryside pass below them. After some time flying, they landed on a large open space, which was surrounded by tall trees. Avu explained to John that the place was formed as a certain order of park, one in which it was possible for one to use the park as a large natural picture. There also existed parks of history, science, music, universe, healing, nature, and other.
“Now we are in the Park of Spiritual Teachings, which we will go through together,” Avu explained. Ramu added to the conversation and communicated that some symbols would be very familiar to those John knew from the Planet Earth and might be a part of some earthly religions. “The mystical journey,” Ramu explained, “is the spiritual basis of all religions because the spiritual experience, at whatever level, comes forth in the same way to all true mystics from the Divine Center. So, the path of spiritual experience is, in truth, universal.” Ani now entered the conversation. “In the Park of Spiritual Teachings you will find various teachings whose symbols and paths you will see. Some of them you will surely already know. They will be very similar to spiritual teachings on the Planet Earth.
The first section begins with Cosmic Consciousness, which is the basic spiritual knowledge on Logo, and which teaches about the directly recognized vibrations from the Divine Center of the Universe. So, let us go to the first part of the Park of Spiritual Teachings, to the park of Cosmic Consciousness.” Ani pointed to the white path leading to a large natural gate, formed from flowers and shrubs.
Only when they had entered the gate did the wonderful symbol of this cosmic consciousness appear. There was a full white circle, from which spiraling circles sprang, the spirals beginning with a dark color gradually changing to different colors and finally becoming yellow. In its yellow and ultimate point the spiral flipped over and returned to the center, in the end blending with a white circular center. Avu stepped towards John with an explanation. “This is the spiral of basic universal evolution. Its first part arises from the white Center of the Godhead, but the energy must first go through a long period of development, first in a material form, then a mineral form, to elements of nature, creatures, and finally to beings which have spiritual centers in their bodies. This part is denoted in blue and purple. The yellow part signifies a period of time when a person has already consciously entered the spiritual path of development, which also lasts a certain length of time. The inside of the white spire means a conscious knowledge and experience of the Divine Center of the Universe, and a conscious return to the Center. The spiral ends with the concluding union of the white spiral with the full white circle of the Divine Center, as the spiritual journey returns back to the Godhead.”
It was clear to John, after Avu finished speaking, how important it was to delineate the spiritual journey in symbols and signs. As they continued, they saw seats placed in semi-circles around the large stately trees, whose leaves shimmered with energy. Oro explained to John that the interiors of the trees, around whose trunk round white stones had been sprinkled, symbolized the Divine Center of the Universe, from whom all of Space grew, here symbolized by the trees. When they continued further on the path, a large statue of a person from Logo appeared before them. Its eyes were fixed on the stream of light radiating in front of it from a large white stone circle. Ramu explained that the circle is again a symbol of the Divine Center of the Universe, from which the universal light of the Godhead comes. Human beings concentrate on the light in order to come to spiritual knowledge and inner unity with the Light. It is also a symbol of silence, which is necessary for deep spiritual experiences. This symbol of light is found in all temples and spiritual centers. John appreciated the universal light and its symbolic meaning of the spiritual, as well as of silence. There were more symbols and pictures here, but Avu led John to the next section, where there was again a gate formed of shrubs.
Ramu communicated to John at this point that they were entering the section of the teaching of, or the “religion” of, silence. This part was formed solely of shrubs full of colorful blossoms and flowers growing everywhere. John noticed an intoxicating scent, which emanated all around. Oro perceived his thoughts and explained that the scent actually played an important role in the teaching of silence because the scent leads to the elevation of the consciousness to higher levels. When they came to a small lake, John perceived that rays of white light were shooting out from the water. Oru explained that there were two symbols here. Motionless water meant the still silence of the mind. The rays of light radiating from it symbolized spiritual light, which the mind should constantly emit, in order to act wisely and in harmony with the laws of the Universe.
Oro led them to the next symbol of silence, where a circle was circumscribed at the entrance to the peacefully elevated path. The interior of the circle was sprinkled with something, which reminded John of crystals. The whole of the circle shone in its whiteness and its purity, and from the bird’s eye view of the path, it was a great experience. “This is another symbol of silence, hence the Divine Center itself,” Oro remarked. “The longer you look at this, the more you will become a part of it,” John had to take her at her word and was just sorry that they did not have enough time to be able to concentrate more on this white shining symbol. Avu now led the group to the third gate, which led to the section of the teaching, or “religion” of, music. “Music is universally incorporated in the Universe,” Ani began to explain. “Music is actually configured from mathematics and from this the sounds of tones are derived. The teaching of the religion of music has several levels, which everyone in this teaching must pass through. The first level is listening to music.” While she spoke, Avu walked over to a large flower-bed, in which there were many types of flowers, each differing in color, and in scent. From each flower there was a narrow line sprinkled on the ground, and the color of these sprinkled lines was the same as the color of the flower from which it began. All these multi-colored lines or threads came together in a single white point, which was in the center of the long flower-bed, but which was removed a bit from it. Ani motioned for John to stand in the white circle and to see that each flower presented its own color and the scent of one tone, which divided itself into half-tones and quarter-tones, represented only by the sprinkled threads of the combined colors into the tone from which they came.
“Now imagine that you are not a listener but a composer, composing music which will express the vibrations of the Divine Center. The combination of colors could be the most harmonious, and the scent of the flowers the most gentle and inspiring. The more beautiful, harmonious and simple the melody, the more easily the listener approaches the Divine Center. The vibrations of music should help the soul be elevated to the Divine Center.”
Ani led John to a small room in which the scents of all the types of flowers were diffused. There were fascinating pictures on the walls illustrating all of the colors of flowers introduced by the musical tones. John realized that he had never seen anything so harmonic and colorful. He felt the vibrations of these colors in himself, elevating his soul. John suddenly realized that it was not about listening to music with one’s hearing, but about the internal perception of the music of the soul, which was an experience much deeper and longer lasting. Ani attempted to complete John’s understanding with these words: “As you have recognized for yourself, at first the soul of the disciple learns that the teaching of music begins with the vibration of one tone, then the melody of one instrument, then the second, third, and other instruments. Finally, the vibrations of the melodies of all instruments are heard from within, as if in the soul of the disciple. The stately beauty and simple harmony help the disciple to make the harmonies of the beauty of all tones in his or her soul, celebrating the existence of the Divine Center.” John began to imagine the richness of this experience, but also the deep devotion of the disciple who walked the spiritual path of music to his or her realization.
Something, which surprised John greatly came, when Ani led them to a waterfall, which fell from a great height to the lake below them. “This is the final peak, or the realization of the path of spiritual teaching,” Ani explained. “Here, all tones fuse into one, that is, the tone of the archetype from which all tones are issued and of which all tones are variations. In this single tone, of the waterfall, sounds the whole symphony of the Universe, containing the tones of all Creation in which the vibrations of the Divine Center can be heard. After experiencing this one universal tone in oneself, the disciple of this spiritual teaching becomes a master, or the one who has reached the spiritual knowledge of the Divine Center.” After these words of Ani, John was left with just the quiet chiming, and in spirit he bowed before those who became masters of the spiritual teachings of music.
They all went together to the fourth gate, which leads to the teaching or “religion,” of geometry. “In this area,” Ramu said, “you will see many geometric symbols which may be utilized in the deep understanding of the universal laws where one is linked to the next. From the geometric shapes, it is also possible to purify the life of an individual, as the analogy has gone and will go. Come along and see for yourself.”
In the large open area beyond the gates were pictures illustrating differently colored sand and colored stones. John clearly recognized triangles, circles, squares, rectangles, and pentagons. However, besides these there were others which John did not know, and which formed unusual, multidimensional pictures. In some places, the pictures were grouped together in some sort of geometric equator, where the outcome was a combined space of forms, depicted in-depth and in perspective in one or many colors.
“Evolution in Space” Avu explained, “is divided into many stages, and each stage can be geometrically illustrated by some symbol. This applies even to the evolution of the soul, which walks on various levels.” They now stopped before a long row of geometric symbols. “This is the simple geometric illustration of the life of the individual,” Avu continued. “The edges illustrate the principle of rigidity, sharpness, and also concentration and exactness. Circles and bows or arches represent openness, creativity, and flexibility. If the main points of life are expressed in these basic symbols, then you see the individual’s future because there must be harmony in them. Nothing can be only square or round. It is necessary to communicate various elements and forms to reach the harmony of the universal unity, from which the life of each soul leads. The configuration is, however, driven by the free will of the individual who slowly moves towards this harmonic understanding during its development. Geometric models can be illustrated as laws of matter, time, vibrations, and other laws of the Universe. The more the disciple occupies himself with these teachings, the closer he comes to knowing the harmony of the Universe, until in the end he reaches an internal understanding of the universal unity, the foundation of Creation and the Divine Center of the Universe.” John recognized the reality that the more deeply the soul occupies herself with the universal teaching, the more likely she will be to reach the highest spiritual knowledge.
They went to the next, and fifth gates, beyond which, according to Oro, the teaching of beauty was located.
Immediately after entering, John had to stop, as his eyes could not take in everything he saw quickly enough. There was a collection of various flowers, shrubs, a small lake, and a brook, and during the walk he saw beautiful artistic works, from which shone depth and beauty. “The religion of beauty,” Oro continues, “has the task of elevating the soul to consciousness on the basis of the spiritual substance of beauty, all created by the Divine Center of the Universe which never stops emitting its vibrations, and in which comprehensive harmony and beauty are contained. Spiritual beauty is one of the most basic qualities of the Divine Center and is a big help during the opening of the soul on the path to the Godhead.”
After Oro finished speaking, John realized how important the expression of spiritual beauty is in refining and elevating consciousness. John was reminded of works of artists from all religions, whether it be sculpture, painting, music or cathedral architecture, and which attempt to elevate the believer’s soul to God.
The sixth gate led them to the teaching of the Divine Center. Ramu observed that this part of the Park of Spiritual Teachings had been created based on information from the angelic or astral planet, Aro. “Spiritual beings from Aro imparted to us their knowledge, and this section was built accordingly,” Avu remarked. “What we have here,” Ani continued to explain, “is a direct view of the Divine Center, containing all the Universal laws regarding karma, reincarnation, time, space, and matter, among other things. There are also basic substances here, which make up the Universe, that is, the material, the spiritual, the astral, causal, and the divine. These components form the foundation of the entire Universe.”
“Come and have a look at this picture,” Ani said, leading John to a picture with seven circles. Each circle was a different color, and only the seventh was white. “The first circle,” Ani explained, “represents spiritual energy, emitted by the Divine Center, the white circle, at the beginning of its development into the Universe. The consciousness of spiritual energy comes from evolution, which symbolically shows the second circle where energy becomes part of the material form. The third circle symbolizes the sojourn of life and spiritual energy in their natural forms, such as flowers, trees, shrubs, and others. The fourth circle is the state in which this energy is embodied in a life form, which has very many stages and to which all animals and life forms belong.
The fifth, or blue circle, symbolizes the very wide range of beings, which have spiritual centers, which you may call charkas, in their bodies. Based on the level of one’s spiritual consciousness and life knowledge, during incarnations these spiritual centers become activated and eventually open completely. As you already know, there are seven spiritual centers, just like these seven circles. The being, which reaches a long-lasting openness of the final center, will move to the sixth stage. This circle is yellow or gold and represents spiritual development, but in the astral or heavenly world. This development, which progresses without the material covering of the body, has many stages, again ending with the final unity of consciousness with the Divine Center of the Universe, or the white and final circle.” With these words Ani finished her comment on the symbols of the seven circles, which John had been looking at while listening to her.
They entered a small room with a large screen with various colors projected on it. It took John a while before he began to distinguish the circles and spirals, which were spinning there. Avu showed him a small white point, which came out of the center spiral. “This little point represents the soul, which is flung out from the Divine Center like spiritual energy, as well as life energy. This white point is now found in the first circle and will progressively visit the other six circles, until it returns to its union with the Divine Center, represented by the seventh and white circle. That, which you saw illustrated in the park, you can now see in motion. Notice how the white point during its journey of the circles takes of the color of each circle, which represent physical forms from the lowest to the softest. In the end all colors are dissolved, and the point returns to its original white form and again connects with the white center, that is, the Divine Center from which it emerged. This illustration in motion helps many visitors to more quickly grasp the long evolution of the soul because from the viewpoint of the Divine Center, the entire evolution of the soul is taken as a whole, in comparison to the intellect, which sees it as small bits of time, which somehow having no meaning, reason, or bearing. This is why it is necessary to take development from the point of view of the everlasting and cosmic laws, where there exists a beginning and an end, between which lie boundless possibilities.”
Now before them stood the seventh and final gate, through which they entered. There was a large open space here with only grass growing. In the middle stood a great pyramid, its form such as John knew from pictures of Egypt. Ramu explained that the pyramid shape is a universal symbol of space, which has many meanings. Ramu continued, “Those who wish can, under the guidance of a spiritual master, enter it and go to a chamber at the center of the pyramid, where there is a concentration of cosmic spiritual energy. In this hall, which is totally empty, disciples are left alone. Their task is to disengage from the physical form and to utilize one’s energy or astral body so that the soul or spirit is able to visit the secret chamber in the pyramid. After the return to the physical body, it is necessary to describe to the spiritual master, what the chamber contains. It is an experience of the reality that there exists another energy or astral body, in which the soul can move and perceive to the same extent, if not better, than in the physical body. For you, because you are present here in your astral body, it would be a test without any meaning. For many, however, this kind of experience is an important one, which for them notably confirms the validity of different levels of consciousness.”
From the Park of the Spiritual Teachings, they went into a garden of contemplation, where there were benches and arbors for those who wanted to meditate on their experiences and new knowledge and perhaps discuss them with someone. John recognized that on the walk through the park he had gained a wealth of knowledge of spiritual paths, which were clearly illustrated in the symbols there. He was only sorry that he could not also visit other similar parks, devoted to other fields, and, more importantly, to manifest his interest in the park of the Universe.
They entered an arbor where they started to plan a program for John because during the night he and Avu would have to take the return journey to the Planet Earth. Avu asked John what he would still like to see or get to know. It was not an easy question for John, however, after some time, he answered. “You spoke about the planet Aro, which has an even higher level of civilization than on Logo. I would like to learn something more about life on Aro. And maybe as a personal request, I would like to hear how spiritual masters from Logo look upon life on the Planet Earth, and whether they know how to improve it. That, I think, would be everything because it will take a really long time before everything sinks in and I will be able to digest the information and experiences from my two trips to Logo.”
After John’s words, the four spiritual masters conferred among themselves and decided the best thing would be to return to the Temple of Wisdom and to attempt to make contact with spiritual masters from the Planet Aro. Perhaps one of them could materialize in the Temple of Wisdom and answer John’s questions regarding life on the Planet Aro. And so, they all took off and flew together in the direction of the Temple of Wisdom, leaving below them the Park of Spiritual Teachings with its symbols and illustrations.
Chapter Eleven
Life on the Astral Planet Aro
When they returned to the Temple of Wisdom, they proceeded to the astral or heavenly room, which was at the top of the temple. This room was used by the spiritual masters to travel in their astral form to another planet, or to visit the astral sphere. There were some comfortable armchairs, and a crystal pyramid was hanging from the ceiling.
All sat down and began to concentrate in total silence. Suddenly, a gentle light appeared in the room and began to materialize in the shining form of a being. The radiant being stood in the place where it had materialized, and its gentle radiance filled the whole room with its astral vibrations.
“You called me,” the radiating being began to communicate telepathically, “to tell about life on the Planet Aro to a visitor from another planet.”
After a short while, the radiant being began to speak again. “From the aura, I can identify which of you is from a planet other than Logo. The aura of this soul is still connected with the material world, according to its level of consciousness. But the Universe is a place of many stages of development, and there are many stages in the material world, as well as in the astral world. First, I would like to perceive the vibrations of this aura, in which there are also substantial evolutionary vibrations of the planet from which this soul comes. That may help to better recognize its developmental level.” The radiant being was quiet for some time, perceiving all the nuances of the vibrations and colors of John’s aura, which his soul and astral body were emitting. After some time, the radiant being began to communicate telepathically.
“I am glad,” began the radiant being, “to be able to impart to another soul in the Universe the knowledge of life on the Planet Aro. Aro is an astral or heavenly planet, which emits a yellow-orange radiance and which for beings with predominantly physical or material substance is actually invisible. The atmosphere of the Planet Aro is very soft and joyful. Only astral beings live here and only those who are already freed from matter. They move wherever on the whole planet they like with the power of their thoughts. Such beings live in pure astral energy, and through development their intellect has been transformed into wisdom and knowledge of the cosmic laws. The environment of the Planet Aro, or its nature, is made up of radiating astral colors which are pure energy and which flow through nature on an astral level.”
On the Planet Aro, beings are, for the most part, united with the consciousness of the Divine Center from which spring the knowledge of the universal laws. Those on this highest level are spiritually in long-term union with the Divine Center in their consciousness. The life of the souls located on Aro is aimed only at further spiritual development. Their existence is silent union with the Divine Center of the Universe.”
“Some of us helped the elevation of consciousness to a higher level on Planet Logo. Also, some of us come to other planets as angels, where we take the weight of a material physical body in order to offer spiritual teaching to those who live on such planets. After the fulfillment of our mission, we leave the physical body and return to Aro. Spiritual service and helping others is one of the most praiseworthy deeds in the development of consciousness in the whole Universe. Something similar has already happened many times even on the planet you come from because on each planet souls from higher spiritual spheres are born for a certain time to impart new progressive spiritual teaching and to help elevate the spiritual development and consciousness of others.
“Imagine that the Universe is made out of vibrations. Its universal life can be compared to the life of a tree on Logo. From one point, which is the Universal Divine Center or a tree’s seed, the entire Universe unfolds, with its galaxies like branches.”
“An important law of the Universe is the law of evolution and the law of the vibrations of life on all levels. It is necessary to respect these laws. Without the substance of these spiritual vibrations, which come from the Divine Center, nothing in the Universe can exist. Therefore, the most fundamental law of the Universe is the knowledge of the existence of the Divine Center and its spiritual substance, which forms the basis of everything, and whose vibrations are present in everything.”
The astral being paused here and the room filled with a kind of silent wisdom and knowledge, which extracted gentle astral vibrations. Nobody present asked a single question or interrupted the flow of wisdom because of their respect for the astral being from the Planet Aro. After a short time, the heavenly being began to emit vibrations of further information.
“The most important is the unity with this Divine Center. For that reason, in the astral Temples of Light on Aro, which are made of astral vibrations, there are continual worship services of the Divine Center. Its vibrations are like waves filling the entire Temple of Light. Heavenly beings experience, in their souls, the vibrations of the spiritual waves of the Divine Center and are completely united with them for some time. These vibrations can also change into the vibrations of tones of the Divine Center, which are uplifting as well. The intensely vibrating waves of the Divine Center are based on the spiritual longings of the souls to be united with the Divine Center. The more their conscious existence is filled with spiritual light and longing for unity with the Divine Center, the stronger the answering vibrations of the spiritual waves of the Divine Center. These vibrations of spiritual waves fill the space or room wherever such souls are, and their presence is elevated by these vibrations, to a higher spiritual level, which causes them to join in the consciousness of the Divine Center.
These vibrations can be experienced by the souls of these astral beings at any time. Because our bodies are astral or heavenly, and therefore immaterial, they live from the vibrations of the consciousness of the existence of the Divine Center. So, they need no rest because they themselves are the vibrations of the Light of the Divine Center. Uniting with the Divine Center is for us the most important calling. It is important that our activities emit vibrations of this knowledge out into the Universe, in order to facilitate the understanding and elevation of the consciousness of other souls.”
At this point, the astral being ended a telepathic account of life on the Planet Aro. The radiating form turned in John’s direction and said, “I believe that it is possible for this soul to ask some questions.” John was a bit surprised, but on the other hand, he accepted the opportunity with thanks. “I would like to ask,” he began shyly, “how beings on the astral level see life on the Planet Earth?”
After a short time, the astral being began to respond. “The Planet Earth is one of the developing planets in the range of material levels. Below the level of the Planet Earth are other planets, which are iron, stone, and even demonic, where good or love radiate like a flame of a candle, surrounded by the darkness of absolute unconsciousness. But even such a small flame helps some to advance higher in their development. Many higher levels of evolution are similar to life on the Planet Logo. Other developmental existences have already continued to the astral level.
For the inhabitants of the planet you come from, however, matter is a fundamental reality, and they very often imagine even greater values than the spirit. Their souls are still muffled in the matter of the human body, where their physical dreams live, and are surrounded by material things. They are also biased in their thoughts, which form and materialize their imaginations and efforts. It is, however, difficult for the soul to be lifted from a material environment to the pure vibrations of the Divine Center, even when some of them are able to realize it. These souls, which are still closed in their material forms and surrounded by the material world, mistakenly think that this is their real substance, without having understood that their everlasting substance is the soul, or the Spark of the Divine Center. Therefore, the spiritual development for the majority of souls to this level is quite slow going because thoughts and feelings bind them to the material world. Later in their development, they will be in greater harmony with the universal laws, and their thoughts will also be turned more directly towards spiritual interests. Finally, their consciousness will begin the walk to the sphere of intuition and feeling. The light in their souls will grow stronger and will show the direction for further development to a higher consciousness. After further development, when it is no longer necessary for the soul to be joined with a material covering, this soul goes to the heavenly level, where there are also many levels of development, until finally the soul is totally joined with the Divine Center.”
The astral being paused and then continued. “During its life in the astral or heavenly world, the soul can be educated spiritually. This promotes a large advancement in one’s development. Life, after leaving behind material cover is very important for spiritual development because the soul can universally expand its consciousness. That is why the conscious spiritual preparation the soul undergoes before its departure from the physical form to the astral world is very important. Such a passage from one reality to the next is not so sudden and allows the soul to move from the physical to the astral world quite calmly and willingly. Some mature souls, in view of their spiritual development, are able to move between the two worlds.
Therefore, development played out in any form and on any level is, to the Divine Center, of equal importance because each soul reaches out through its development to the highest goal, unity with the Divine Center from which it came forth. That is the message you can take back to the planet where you are living your present life, and on which many souls are spiritually awakening. I have answered your question, and now it is time for me to return to the Planet Aro. I am glad that I could meet with another soul of this Universe and also with the souls of you all.”
With these words the light astral being from Aro slowly began to be lost from the room, until it disappeared completely. Nobody present sent a single thought forth for some time. John spoke first, thanking Ramu for his mediation in this visit, which explained a great many new things to him. Avu warned him that the time to separate with John was drawing near, as it was necessary for John’s astral body to return to its physical form.
None present expressed joy at Avu’s reminder of John’s imminent departure because now John was already like one of them. Ani suggested, to the joy of the others, that John might have yet another wish, which they presently attempted to fulfill. John thought for a moment and then said, “I would be glad if, with the help of intuition and spiritual perception, you would express your opinions of the Planet Earth, which has seen great modifications in its development.”
Avu, Ani, Ramu and Oro agreed that they would do this for John. But they said that it would be better for greater spiritual openness and understanding of such things if they went to the room of intuition, located in the Temple of Wisdom. And so, after a short time, they all went through the corridor of the temple, in order to fulfill John’s wish in the room of intuition.
Chapter Twelve
A View from Logo of the Life on Planet Earth
Ramu opened the doors to the room of intuition. Its atmosphere was quiet, and at the same time, gentle. Shape of the room was round, and crystals had been placed around the walls. The light, which radiated was pale-blue. There was a small crystal pyramid placed in the middle of the room and the ceiling was in the shape of a cupola. Around the pyramid there was a circle of comfortable armchairs with straight backs.
When they had all sat in the armchairs, Avu communicated to John that, once they had taken in the vibrations of Planet Earth and its aura, they would be able to answer his questions. Avu was the first to speak. “A civilization is subject to a level of thoughts, feelings and, most importantly, sensations, as the inhabitants of such planets radiate to its atmosphere and around themselves. The Planet Earth is moving into an era of decision for all of its inhabitants. It is important that her inhabitants lean toward the Light, or towards harmony and spiritual openness, or they will be leaning towards darkness, that is, to the power of negative thinking, which for the most part aids in the creation of chaos. After such a realization, people will be able to create a better world and a more harmonious one.” Avu finished his account of his view on the Planet Earth as he intuitively felt it.
After some time, Ramu broke the silence and offered yet another perspective on earthly life. “If the inhabitants of the Planet Earth would begin to receive universal spiritual energies, the result would be a great openness to a greater understanding of spiritual and universal laws. This would change the thought process of the whole planet. The inhabitants of the Planet Earth would essentially understand that they should do nothing that would create negative energy which kills, destroys, disables, brings about chaos, or divides, which interferes with the energy’s harmony, accord, and the unity. Because there is evolution in everything, leading back to the Light, the energy of dissent or negation can never dominate for very long. The whole universal development leads back to the Divine Center of the Universe from which all comes. This Light is also contained in every soul, and each soul must be united once again with the Light of the Divine Center at the end of its development. The dark can never fully devour the light, which eventually must illuminate the darkness.”
When Ramu finished, Oro added a few words. “I see, from the aura of the Planet Earth, that the purpose of your civilization is the understanding of the spiritual and ethical laws, which must not be overlooked in the whole process of evolution. The other important thing is for people to purge themselves and deliver themselves from their egos because what is egotistical relates only to the one. On the other hand, what is universal relates to everything and to unity. The ego, or the limited union with only oneself, is not built upon spiritual foundation and ethical wisdom. Through its vibrations, it interferes with its surroundings and slows its own, as well as the greater, evolution. Every act should be carried out for the conscious benefit of not only oneself, but also for others, which leads to an evolution in unity and to the peace of the whole civilization.” Oro finished her comments with these words regarding how she felt about the vibrations coming from the Planet Earth.
John now put forth his first question. He explained that on the Planet Earth there existed many spiritual teachings, and that each had a great number of followers. John asked whether the spiritual masters could say something to this issue.
Ramu telepathically emitted words to the following. “The basis of some religious teachings on your planet is faith, which is open toward spiritual energy. For that reason, there is a large concentration of this energy in places of worship because those who come there open themselves to this spiritual energy. This spiritual energy fills everyone who comes to such places.” John entered the conversation, saying, “Some call this spiritual energy the Holy Spirit.” Ramu continued, “Mostly, when civilization reaches a certain level of development, a spiritual master, prophet, or teacher is born who teaches the genuineness of the spiritual laws of the Divine Center. These teachings have various levels and forms, however, according to the level of the spiritual development of those whom he came to teach.”
“The spiritual power of such a spiritual master is great, and his parables remain for a long period, whether they be a picture, statue, or a place where he traveled. If people concentrate with their silent attention on the soul of this master or on his spiritual light, whether in a temple or in one’s own soul with surrender and purity, they will come to unity with the spiritual energy, or the Holy Spirit, as you call it on your planet. Genuine faith, or spiritual consciousness, means the awareness of the existence of the Divine Center, and the attempt to unite with this Center as much as possible. It is important to realize that spiritual teaching must be received by the soul and must be illuminated by the Light of the Divine Center.”
After Ramu had finished his answer to John’s question, Ani added a few words and returned to the explanation of a spiritual master from Logo’s view of the Planet Earth. “It is necessary to add to technical progress, which was once attainable in the production of materials goods, the development of the ethical and spiritual. It is the law of harmony. If this balance is not reached, there is a danger of the cessation of technical development. It is necessary to raise the ethical and spiritual consciousness of the people. It is possible to accomplish this through the joining together of global telecommunications with global universities, which can then educate all the inhabitants of the Planet Earth on the same level. I see, further, in the aura of Planet Earth,, that the inhabitants take each other’s lives violently. This contradicts the cosmic laws and the law of harmony. Also important is the type of diet inhabitants of a planet receive. The higher the vibrations of a food, the simplest and most natural, the lighter the body which accepts it. The food will positively influence the whole process of a person’s development.” Ani paused here for a moment, as if she wanted first to ponder her words or to get a greater understanding of and union with the Planet Earth’s aura before she continued further with her explanation.
“What is necessary is the greatest possible limiting of the consciousness of the ego, or closures, and the pursuing of openness and the consciousness of the whole, through global cooperation. Technical development should be directed towards simplicity. There should be a move towards a global unity of positive thoughts. The principle should be the global education of the inhabitants of the Planet Earth and their knowledge of the ethical and universal laws. These laws are never changing. This is a way for the harmonic evolution of a civilization. Out of this approach, a planetary civilization will arise, whose ethical and spiritual progress is ahead of technical development. Only a harmonically guided civilization can be the future of the Planet Earth.” Ani finished her perspective of the development on the Planet Earth and the room became quiet. John had no more questions and so just waited for the words of the next.
After a while, Avu added a few words. “The time of your return draws near, and so I would like to finish our views of the Planet Earth by the spiritual masters of the Planet Logo. I will evidently repeat myself, when I say that the basis of a kind of positive development of any civilization is the knowledge of the ethical and spiritual laws and the spiritual relation of the individual, with the universal Divine Center of the Universe, which itself brings unity and harmony to the soul. Such a stance sends positive vibrations, and negation begins to recede because, where there is light, there is no place for darkness.
The more light there is in the thinking and in the souls of the inhabitants of the Planet Earth, the less darkness and unconsciousness will be allowed to exist. An approach like this will create a better future for the development of the whole planet and for the more harmonious and more spiritual life of the souls, which live on it. Everything, which is used to obstruct life, to slow development, to limit spiritual freedom, must be one day illuminated and modified by the Light and so dissolved. For that reason, a sort of Ethical and Spiritual Parliament for the whole planet would be helpful in the modification to a higher consciousness and should bring about harmony and Light to the life on the Planet Earth.”
Avu paused for a short while and then somehow saw the situation on the Planet Earth more clearly, and so continued. “The Planet Earth is in the present era at a developmental crossroads. It will be dependent on the inhabitants and leaders of the whole planet, for the direction of its further development. The inhabitants of Earth invented weapons, which can destroy the matter of their bodies, its cities, but also the matter of their own planet, and so interfere with the harmony of the physical and natural laws. Here is also an ignorance of the life of the planet and its nature, which is just as alive and sensitive as its inhabitants. The suffering of nature and its life forms is emitted to the atmosphere of the Planet Earth.
The change should come through positive thinking, acts, and most importantly, an active ethical and spiritual life. This would mean, however, that the inhabitants of the Planet Earth would have to make changes in their behavior. All thoughts of violence would have to be eliminated from people’s thinking. Instead of thoughts which divide, thoughts should come which join together all inhabitants of the Planet Earth.”
“The vibrations of unity can help the positive planetary development on Earth. For this, it is necessary that such an understanding be reached by most of the souls on your planet, and lead the souls to the understanding of harmony in Creation. ”
Avu finished his telepathic sending of his intuitive perception and the room became quiet, filled with the vibrations of wisdom. John realized that a great change in the thinking and understanding of people and a spiritual openness would have to be reached on the Planet Earth. Many efforts to change the understanding and progress would have to be implemented by each individual, in order to modify the political, economic and religious systems on the planet, and to advance to a system which would consist of respect, wisdom, modesty, and openness.
It would be necessary to create a system, which would see nature and the life of a planet in a single common unity with the life of all people. In this unity, there would be no difference in nations, political parties, ideological groups, or the interests of economic powers, but everything would have to be founded on, a global planetary unity and cooperation.
John also realized his own role in being able to help in the creation of positive affirmation and harmony. Therefore, in this moment, he decided that he would devote his life to the creation of positive thoughts and actions. John realized the responsibility of each person on the Planet Earth. The more positive, affirmative, and creative the approach of each individual, the more positive and joyful the atmosphere would be on the Planet Earth.
Avu interrupted John’s thoughts with word that it was now time for his return back to the Planet Earth. All stood up and together went back to the temple. Here Ramu motioned that John should stand on the place of the spiritual master. Then everyone surrounded John, stretched out their hands to him and stood in a silent concentration. John felt like his astral body was getting more energy. After some time, he felt totally at one with the Light of the Divine Center, and his consciousness was uplifted. He felt as though there was a pyramid shape above him, completely sprinkling him with its energy and raising his consciousness. He also felt the powerful vibrations of the spiritual masters who created a powerfully energetic, and spiritually vibrating veil all around him. John now experienced his existence as a spiritual being, completely connected with the Light of the Divine Center.
After some time, the spiritual masters lowered their hands, and Ramu motioned for John to follow him. They passed through the temple nave and went out into the night of the Planet Logo. Avu called to John, saying, “Everyone who is here is in the temple to project our spiritual energy with your energy. Whenever you feel the need in your soul to spiritually connect with any of us, do it. Go to a quiet place, sit down, forget your physical body, including your thoughts, and spiritually step into the silent boundlessness of the consciousness of your soul. In this state of utter silence, concentrate on our vibrations, which we put in your consciousness, and momentarily the spiritual connection between you and us will be established. In this connection you can receive energetic strength, we can communicate with one another, but you will also be able to easily elevate to the Light of the Divine Center. It is a gift which we give to you.”
After these last words of Avu, John bowed before the spiritual masters Ramu, Ani, and Oro, and then together with Avu, raised himself into the quiet and blue space of the night. The light of their souls slowly withdrew from the surface of the Planet Logo, in order they could move into the deepness of Space, in which the light of millions of suns and a still greater number of planets were concealed.
Chapter Thirteen
Departure from Woolman Hill
On the Planet Earth, on the American continent in the state of Massachusetts, near the city of Deerfield on Woolman Hill, it was a magnificent morning. The sun was already above the mountains, and its rays fell on the several acres of the Quaker retreat center. The sheep had long been put to pasture in the large meadow, and the songs of birds could be heard in the surrounding woods. All around, silence, peace, and quiet were spread. Someone standing on one of the nearby hills and observing the surroundings with spiritual sight would certainly notice the descending of a light, directed towards the woods and finishing its journey in a small wooden cabin. For those who drew their attention to the countryside with their physical sight, nothing noteworthy would they have seen, only the bleating of sheep interrupting the songs of the birds and the sky, which was without a single cloud.
The body of John Towle slowly began to wake from its deep sleep after the long astral journey of its soul. It took a while before John gained total contact with his physical organs and could slowly begin to move his arms and legs. John lay for a while and let some pictures from Logo flash through his mind. After a light breakfast, he went for a walk to the surrounding woods, which embraced Woolman Hill.
John stopped at Jean and Moreen’s, house, in order to say hello. Then he took the path into the woods to digest everything, which had happened to him. In this quiet place, he experienced the reality of his new knowledge.
During his walk, John also realized his duty to hurry towards this positive development and to be a part of it. It was something he now took as his mission, which he had to fulfill through deeds. John returned in his mind to the seven points of universal unity, which he had written at the beginning of his stay on Woolman Hill. He believed the understanding of the unity is one of the most important requirements. Unity in itself contained many parts, even though they were different. For that reason, the understanding of the universal unity became for him a fundamental piece of knowledge, which he felt within himself.
John walked through the woods and felt as though he was arriving at a power and growth of his conviction of the need for creative work.
On the other hand, John also realized, that change is a part of development, which in its quality always leads to an upward spiral. Without change, the consciousness of people cannot continue further and increase to new level of knowledge. New knowledge is necessary for a person to relinquish the old ways, and to begin to walk an utterly new path, which will lead to new places and to new knowledge.
In this frame of mind, he went to the place he knew from his walk on the first day he arrived on Woolman Hill. He sat himself against the trunk of a tree, and looked at the wooded valley and at the high hills in the distance. Slowly, he slipped into a silent meditation.
It was already late afternoon when John said good-by to Maureen and Jean and his car slowly moved on the gravel road down to the highway.
The sun’s rays spread themselves over the countryside, as following the driver, who decided to walk on the new path of his life.
About the Author
Vladimir Strejcek is originally from Europe, born in Prague, Czech Republic. For many years he resides in the United States.
He studied music and voice at the Music Conservatory in Vienna, Austria. Later he studied theology, at the Charles University in Prague, and continued his study at the University of Chicago, where he concentrated at the teaching of world religions and spirituality. He graduated with MA in theology from the Quaker Seminary in Richmond, Indiana.
Vladimir served as a minister in Quaker churches in America and was for many years Superintendent of the Unitarian-Universalist Religious Society in Czech Republic. In 1988 he founded the Universal Unity Society.
In his spiritual study Vladimir was influenced by the book of Paramahansa Yogananda “Autobiography of a Yogi” and other works of mystics from different religions and traditions.
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