The country population |
Number of cities & villages where people download |
Number of downloaded files |
Country's activity of light ratio |
Flag of the country |
Number of downloaded files |
The activity of light ratio |
Region |
Observed period from - to month / year |
Used name of the CITY or VILLAGE, more names according to languages and dialects ( older names in parentheses ) |
Population of the city or village, or some other specification (In China, there can also megacities and megalopolises). |
In the output tables, there are only 'downloading' activities of people where people downloaded the files to their computer (either to the RAM - browser, or to a storage device). Accesses/entries of users are in the EVACUATION.xls file, sheet 9. The statistics here do not show the activity of passing or handing over the information of light among people (this proceeds beyond this web site). The total activity of light is thus much higher. Numbers of downloaded files are increasing - from 3 million files a month (year 2009) up to 6.5 million files (February 2011), that is average 230 000 files a day. The web site of light has been in operation since January 1999 and 210 million files had been downloaded since then till 2010. Over 46 million were downloaded in year 2010. |
The activity of light ratio = number of files divided by population number (in percent). |
Source: www.awstats.com 4/5 of files is assigned a location, 1/5 is not localized ( errors are within countries' local networks, error rate is 20 % ).  |
TLD top-level domain internet suffix of given country, www.iana.org , www.iana.org/domains/root/db/  |